Haha xD I actually do very little at home. sweatdrop
I'm really lazy when it comes to cleaning and stuff like that IDK maybe because I'm a male lol well my dad is a male xD and he's not a lazybum like me. gonk
That's so true, I plan on getting a part time job if my sched will allow me. heart
Haha I'm shy lmao or I'm judt really lazy. sweatdropheart
But yep I from time to time ask her stuff about well like how to do this and that. 3noddingheart
sweatdrop I don't think I can since I don't know any household stuff other than washing the dishes and doing some laundry lol.
But heh ain't that the reason why I'm gonna live alone so that I will learn to do stuff on my own xD.
I know you will one day going to get your degree, you're amazing and talented! wish you best of luck! heart
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Yup, I'll tryna find when I can and my sched allow me. heart
I'm really lazy when it comes to cleaning and stuff like that IDK maybe because I'm a male lol well my dad is a male xD and he's not a lazybum like me. gonk
That's so true, I plan on getting a part time job if my sched will allow me. heart
But yep I from time to time ask her stuff about well like how to do this and that. 3nodding heart
But heh ain't that the reason why I'm gonna live alone so that I will learn to do stuff on my own xD.
I know you will one day going to get your degree, you're amazing and talented! wish you best of luck! heart