My Stephy coded my profile.
She says 'NO STEALING' or else.

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‘Ello dolls! My name is Rue~
I have been known as Thy Lady Ryussei.
Many know me by Ryuu, Roo or Ruesmaug.
Any of ‘em are totally acceptable!

I am from a small town in Pennsylvania.
Just your regular back-road country girl.
I am an EMT / Firefighter.
I am not just the driver, I get to save lives in the back!
I also fight your house fires, and rescue trapped people inside.
I also always will go back and put out our wild fires.
Actually, I think i enjoy wildfires as much as I do technical rescue!
I do a little bit of everything and I love it dearly!

Due to my job I am prone to being offline for periods of time.
I love getting down and dirty; mud and blood are nothing.

I role-play, make graphics, ride dirty bikes and fly models airplanes.
Oh, I've also gotten into flintknapping and will be making my own longbow.
I like to rough it outside and lay under the stars.
I love nature if you haven’t been able to tell by now.
I find most comfort being surrounded by acres of trees over a room of people.
I am still deciding where in life my career might take me.
Until I know for sure, I will enjoy life to the fullest.

Most of the time I am a pleasant human to be around.
I can be snarky and sarcastic just like you though.

Bear with me, some days are worse than others just depands.
Sooo yeah, anything else? Probably not – I am awesome.
This is all of who I am, now what you do is up to you.

Lady Ruee's avatar

Last Login: 01/14/2024 10:12 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/27


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