Lady Embers

Lady Embers's avatar

Last Login: 05/25/2023 8:03 am


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Wow! Someone's reading this. eek Anyhow.
The Mildly (or maybe not so mildly) Eccentric Lady Embers at your service. *bows* How can I help you today?

A few fun things about me for anyone who cares to know

-I used to be Parazesis. I had that name for about 10 years and decided it was time for a change.

-I am currently a college undergrad, studying Theatrical Costume Design, though I've recently taken an interest in Theatrical Makeup Art.
Yes, Costume Design and Fashion Design are different fields. Costume Design dressed specific people and is not confined to modern aesthetics, Fashion Design dresses the modern public based on current trends and tastes.

-Aesthetic is my favorite word. Coming from a visual arts background and going into a performance design field makes it a very valuable word in my vocabulary. That and it is just fun to say. 3nodding

-My biggest pet peeve as an artist is incorrect color theory.
For those of you who don't know, the Primaries of Light are Red, Blue, and Green (yes Green, not Yellow) while the Secondaries are Cyan (a mix of Blue and Green), Magenta (a mix of Blue and Red), and Yellow (a mix of Red and Green). Because we see color as a reflection of light, and the light that we see is the wavelengths that are not absorbed by the surface we are observing, the Primaries of Pigment (think paint, ink, and other physical color mediums) are the Secondaries of Light (Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow), while the Secondaries of Pigment are the Primaries of Light (Red, Blue, and Green). I've actually mixed what we know of as Red and Blue, so I have photo evidence.

-I am a recreational fencer (meaning I don't compete). My favorite is a style called Florentine which is Sabre and Parrying Dagger fought in the round (instead of on a strip or "Piste" to use the official term) but as for the competitive styles I favor Sabre.

-I am an avid Roleplayer. I don't consider myself a writer, because I'm terrible with things like plot, but I'm really good a character creation. Considering my desired line of work, RPing is actually quite beneficial.

-Yes, I tend to be very verbose at times, especially when explaining something.

-I am a Texan and I am proud of it, Y'all. 3nodding

-I am a Christian and not ashamed. If you don't like it then don't bring it up and I won't argue it with you, but just like anyone of any other faith I don't take kindly to people insulting my beliefs.

Anything else you're curious about then contact me and I might answer you.


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K4M1-kun Report | 01/24/2014 11:14 pm
Quietly leaves a letter and strolls off.
Ember Rosedale Report | 02/09/2013 2:45 pm
thank you for the valentine
KRlLL Report | 02/01/2013 10:59 pm
hah, thanks.
The Smuggest Goat Report | 01/30/2013 10:29 am
A wild Vhalk appears and leaves his mark on your profile.
Sailor Silver Star Report | 01/26/2013 1:20 pm
cool avi
XposionX Report | 05/06/2012 12:57 pm
Hey how r the forums
Misty Moonsilver Report | 02/29/2012 2:54 pm
lol ditto.
Untouchable Beauty Report | 02/14/2012 8:30 pm
heart Dear Parazesis,

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day as well!!! emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart I also hope things are going well and you're feeling wellrested from you job! emotion_bandaid cat_3nodding

Love, Mysterious
White Lightning TTU Report | 03/09/2011 7:10 pm
Ha, so I'm a total stranger! I was scrolln through other people with interests in Fencing and you were the only other one on. Feel Awesome!
House Atreides Report | 02/13/2011 2:28 pm
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~*-*~ Lady Embers: formerly known as Parazesis ~*-*~


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