My Name is Robert but I go by what ever nicknames my friends come up with as long as their not to out there.I'm 6 feet 4 inches tall, With blond hair and blue eyes, I've got a Large build But I'm not fat, Writing is a passion as is so many other things so many thing so little time.
I am always there for my friends, I Like to help people out when they need someone to be logical and think things through such like if two people are fighting and need someone else to settle it so they can have peace.
I don't but into other peoples business but rather help them out if I'm asked.
There can be times when life seems hopeless, where there is no one for me or for others, I may not be very old but I've already learned allot In fact my birthday is July 5th ( 4 days from when I wrote this).
Even if There aren't allot of people who want to date me or even have a romantic relationship I'll always be there no matter what.
Enjoy your stay I look forward to meeting new people and just having a good time.
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