Who I really am
Alright, for some reason you have stumbled across my page and are. . . For some unfathomable reason, reading about who I am. I guess that means I should be telling you rather than babbling.
I am a self-admitted geek. I love reading. . . A lot. I'm a zoology nut (elephants are the only land animal that can not jump) and a Lord of the Rings nerd (Tolkien based the Ent Treebeard off his best friend- C.S.Lewis). I was a Twilight fan before it was popular, but am now so jaded from the series all I can do is mock it. However, I am a diehard Harry Potter fan. I love fantasy realms, as well as writing poetry and stories, which you (might) be able to check out in my journal.
I'm also a metal head. I will check out any band you want, and though most of the bands I listen to are popular, it doesn't mean I am fake. And I know plenty of music and trivia to back that up.
What else do I want to say . . . Oh! My name. It's really just my penname when I write. In reality I have many names, but Eklypse Peregrin (E.P. for short) should work for here.
So come and take a look around. Comment, or pm, if you want to chat and learn even more about me, since theirs plenty to learn. *laughs*
(P.S.) I'm afraid that this wonderful little profile of me is still a work in progress, and I'll probably be changing things constantly. . . So it'll be a work in progress for, well, ever. **sheepish grin** ~E.P.
Stuff for Cheap!
Hey, welcome to the store!
I'm willing to bargain or trade, but if you cheat me. . . It won't be pretty. So please don't.
Other than that, I hope you like what I have enough to buy it! ^_^
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And here come the comments!!!
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so how's the air force working out for you? you active, reserve or guard?