
Kmeprz--girls's avatar

Birthday: 01/28


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Hi! I am Senshi Meta Eon Yivo...but my friends call me Yivo. when i was a kid i grew up in a little place called Kansas. in this place, new ideas are not accepted and those who are different are shunned. i was different...very different...ever sense i was a child i was a little "weird" as some would say. i was ignored most of my life by my family. they were too focused on my perfect sister Maria. the only thing people called me was 'Maria's little brother'. i didnt have any friends... i was alone in the world and longing for love and compassion. when i was about 7 i discovered my grandma's old witch craft book. within was a spell to bring inanimate objects to life. i brought my plush dog, floppy, to life with a human like consciousnesses and all that jazz. when my sister found out about the spell she told all of her friends and they told their friends and so on and so forth. she even stole him and took him to school...the kids....tore him apart....i can still hear him screaming...screaming for the pain to end.... ever sence then the kids at school would call me a "freak" or "witch" and suggest that i be burnt... that didnt end....ever...soon after my parents became embarrassed of me...more so then usual. they said i am 'mentally challenged'...i was sent to an Asylum where i lived until i was about 10 when a man came to the Asylum.

~WHAT HAPPENED (in 3rd person)~
the man walked into the Asylum and asked to see Senshi Meta Eon Yivo. the woman in the front looked at the man strangely "what do you want to see him for?" she asked suspiciously. "where is the boy?" the man asked again " floor room 777" the girl said to the man giving him a visitors pass. "thank you" the man said before heading to the elivtater and to room 777. he opened the door to yivo laying in his bed awake. "are you Senshi Meta Eon Yivo?". Yivo sat up "you dont look familiar". he man smiled "im not from around here" yivo's face brightened "thats good to hear". the man sat down next to Yivo "Yivo...why are you here?" "i found a strange book with directions to bring things to life" "that sounds cool" "i wish i could say the same" a long silence passed. "Yivo...what if i told you that there is a place for you? a place for people with unlimited potential...just like you" "potential? thats laughable" "you dont know it yet, but you will soon realize" "what good is potential when your in a cage" "ill make you a deal" "what kind of deal?" the man layed Yivo's old witchcraft book on the bed "if you take this book and master the art of witchcraft and sorcery i will take you away from this place" "i could leave? no way" "do what you will Yivo" the man stood up and headed for the door "but i will be back" Yivo stood up "wait!....who are you?" the man turned back to Yivo "admen77...i will be back for you Yivo" the man left the building and left Yivo to practice. Yivo picked up the book once again and began his first 5 years Yivo had memorized the whole book inside and out. that is when the admen came for Yivo. the man opened the door and smiled "it is time Yivo" he said quietly. Yivo jumped up ran to the man and hugged him "i knew you would come back!" he said starting to cry "its ok Yivo. your troubles are over now" "thank you so much!" Yivo said trough his sobs "i did it admen!" "i know you did Yivo. im proud of you use a time control spell to pause time so we can leave" Yivo smiled "ok" he easily stopped time and they walked out. "Where are we going?" Yivo asked the admen wiping his tears "Gaia...the land of infinite potential" and off they home....




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Heck Sprout Report | 05/23/2012 7:05 pm
Heck Sprout
Heck Sprout Report | 05/23/2012 1:12 pm
Heck Sprout
_Enims_Mule Report | 03/28/2012 3:53 pm
gaia_nitemareleft Thanks for yhu business! Enjoi yhu new coat! gaia_nitemareright
ihe11okitty Report | 09/25/2011 11:51 pm
u wanna start something punk a** D:<
ihe11okitty Report | 09/08/2011 1:05 am
-pimpslaps- C:
Heck Sprout Report | 08/05/2011 9:35 pm
Heck Sprout
Whenever all three of us are online! Doesn't matter to me. blaugh
Heck Sprout Report | 08/05/2011 4:55 pm
Heck Sprout
Hi, Yivo-kun! You, Savy-san, and I should hang out again. Maybe you can meet my friend, Logan. biggrin
savykinz101 Report | 07/23/2011 10:12 am
razz hey buddeh watcha doing .??
Heck Sprout Report | 07/22/2011 7:35 pm
Heck Sprout
Yivo-kun... Are you Wiccan? Because I've been Wiccan since the day I was born. My mom and I are wiccan. 3nodding If you are, it would explain the pentacles/pentagrams on your profile.
savykinz101 Report | 07/22/2011 7:35 pm
hey i need to talk to you... stare


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