Everything you never wanted to know
Who am I:I'm Khleopatra, and if you've come here looking to contact me, I regret to inform you that I'm no longer here. In other words, consider this profile officially dead. Gaia has long since fallen out of my interests and has generally just phased out of my adult life entirely. Nowadays, work consumes me, and although I still maintain my hobbies of music and art, an active Gaia account falls short on my list of priorities. My friends keep me all the company I could ever ask for in this world, and I'm happy to have them. If you're one of them, you already know where to find me, if not, consider me a ghost.
I'm thankful to all the cool people I met here, and I wish the best for all of you, although I can't be arsed to give each of you a proper good-bye. Maybe I'll catch you around at a convention somewhere down the line?
Thanks for all the laughs and chats everyone! And to the members and former members of TFA, a special farewell to you.
- K
P.S. What the ******** happened with inflation on this site? Seriously my avatar must be worth billions by now. I guess that's what happens when you let a virtual market run loose under the predominance of thirteen year olds.
Other things about me:I'm a moral nihilist, lately branching into existentialism. If that went over your head, just think of me as an atheist.
I'm single, apathetic and uninterested in your advances.
I'm an anarcho syndicalist, because a functional bipartisan legislature is just a pipe dream.
That's pretty much all that's important. Feel free to send me some love with comments or messages, and enjoy the music (or you can turn it off if you prefer).
These people wont STFU!!!
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