

My name is _______. I'm 13 and I wish I was in the akatsuki. I know their fake. I 'm in orchestra and I am single........-_-'

My Gaia if I made one up:

Hello, my name is Kakeruma Sirichi. I'm 17 years old and I am the newest addition of the akatsuki. I might just look like a pretty face, but I' m also second in charge of the akatsuki, along with with my roomate Madara Uchiha. When I was 6 years old I accidently murdered my village, village hidden in the bloody mist. After that Doctor Sirichi took me in. He was fascinated with my black wings and the fact that I lived on blood. I later realized he was using me, so..... I killed him and everyone else who worked at the facility. I wondered amlisly for a time. After that I disguised myself as a simple farm girl. Then after living a somewhat peaceful life the akatsuki came for me.