Words To Never Be Spoken

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JamLovinBeyondBirthday's avatar

Birthday: 01/20


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Beyond Birthday (also known as Rue Ryuzaki/B, BB) was the 2nd child taken in at Wammy's House, in an attempt to create a successor for L, and was the serial killer behind the Los Angeles BB Murder Case.

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Some have claimed that Beyond Birthday is a cannibal, but this is only a rumor. The novel did not say anything about him eating his victims' remains. Though this could be true, further information has yet to be revealed. During the investigation of the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases with Naomi Misora, B is described to have jars filled with strawberry jam in the victim's fridge. Some people also speculate that similar to L and Mello's craving for sweets, Beyond Birthday craves strawberry jam. However, he was only said to have eaten an entire jar one time in Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases and Naomi Misora never witnessed him doing so again, though she herself wondered about the same thing..

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Little is known about B, though he and A (real name unknown) were the first two children in line to succeed L. The pressure of Wammy's House proved to be too great for A,which caused A to commit suicide, while B wound up running away at some point.

His whereabouts remained unknown from May 2002 to the beginning of the story, L having tracked cases around the world to search for him. Beyond Birthday came up with a plan to surpass L, as the "World's Greatest Criminal", giving L a case that B hoped he would be unable to solve.

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Distorted Daytime

Ride To Suicide

Thoughts Never To Be Seen

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The Mind

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In the mind of a killer...


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Official Mannosuke Report | 02/11/2010 2:49 pm
Official Mannosuke
Hmm, that happens sometimes I guess. :/ Too many people
-also sticks finger in jam-

-- N.T
Official Mannosuke Report | 02/11/2010 12:40 pm
Official Mannosuke
I am coming by to say Harro.

-- N.T
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 8:27 pm
That's good I'm happy for you.

Well, it's 10:30 over here and I, unfortunately, have school tomorrow. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 8:14 pm
That bites. Well, atleast you still have your power.

What was it like in D.C.?
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 8:09 pm
Wow! Where do you live now?

I live in some horrid little town in Minnesota.
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 8:01 pm
Yea, I can't wait to move to the cities.
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 7:46 pm
Lol, lucky you. So you're in the eastern part of the US then.
It stopped snowing here awhile ago.

Honestly, I just want school to end, so I can go to college.
masumi5 Report | 02/10/2010 7:28 pm
Well, I'm glad you fixed it, and are back on! I've missed you these past few months!
How've ya been?
Th3kidJok3r Report | 02/10/2010 3:15 pm
Th3kidJok3r Report | 02/09/2010 10:18 pm
Oh HAi Kaoru!!!!!!long time no talk!!!sucks that i g2g nao = ( nice seeing you = )


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"Beyond Birthday simply shrugged, and pulled out a knife..."


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