That's Me.

Isabella Dark's avatar

Last Login: 07/18/2012 2:12 am

Gender: Female

Location: Location, location, location.

Occupation: Singing

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Ashley Nicole the Killer Report | 07/18/2012 9:53 am
Ashley Nicole the Killer
Hey! This is Ashley. XD I made another profile. >.>
Xevoss Report | 02/18/2009 5:24 pm
Only to those whom are willing to have fun with me, if you catch my drift. XD
Xevoss Report | 02/18/2009 5:22 pm
Only to those whom are willing to have fun with me, if you catch my drift. XD
Xevoss Report | 11/13/2008 2:42 pm
Soul Paradox Report | 11/08/2008 2:01 pm
Soul Paradox
I'm not quite shure how I got here but here I am?...... Read your About me section. You wrote a book? I try but always develop writers block when things start getting interesting. It sucks. Well it was fun stoping by.... Thank you!
Xevoss Report | 11/08/2008 2:10 am
I don't think I will. XD
Midknightwolf17 Report | 10/31/2008 9:03 am
OMG SO COOL!! I'm wearing a black dress that comes above my knees and has a black shear wrapp around it that has dark red sparkly swirls on it and i'm gonna wear black high heels and my fang caps that go over my k-9s. Then i'm going to wear blood red lipstick and my black and red jewerly. ^.^
Midknightwolf17 Report | 10/31/2008 8:51 am
lol!! right on! i'm gonna be a sexy vampire.
Midknightwolf17 Report | 10/31/2008 8:45 am
I missed you too!!!! *hugs* So what have you been up to?
Midknightwolf17 Report | 10/31/2008 8:23 am
hello!! *Tackles! and hugs*

A little bit about me....

Hello. Isabella here. Actually, it's Ashley Nicole. Formally known as Mistygurl754515. I had to make a new account. I sing for a living. I also write stuff. I have written a book. It has not been published, but I am going to get it published. I am literate. I do not type with incorrect grammar. I have learned to appreciate the more simple things in life. Like black eyeliner and black nail polish. Like head banging and hardcore music. Like skinny jeans and Converse. I can be hyper, and I can be calm. I can't take it when people are rude to me. I'll yell at you. (Yes, that does mean you Spartan26.) I have a myspace. You can't have my url. Don't ask. I have a phone. You can't have my phone number. Again, don't ask. I'm short, yes. I'm 5' 3". What duck under things when I can walk under them? I'm skinny. I weigh 115. I'm probably older than you. I love to play around with people. Be my friend? I'll laugh with you, dear. I don't bite....hard. Hehe. I won't bother you, unless you bother me.

What I have as my signature.

The only people we truly hate
are the ones that
got close enough to our
hearts to break them.
Never let anyone get that
close unless they are the one.

How did I expect love
to outweigh ignorance?

What I want...


Looky looky at meh profile. ;)

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Hello, there, angel from my nightmare.

I'll try to keep you up to date. I'll try to write things that will interest you too.


The only people we truly hate are the ones that got close enough to our hearts to break them.