I ♥♥♥ random PMs! They make me LOL.
About Who?
Well, where to start...
Some people say I'm nice, some people say I'm nasty, but if you really want to know just ask me! I'll say I'm nicety! Oh~Oh~Oh say I'm nicety! Nice~ty~! Just call me Nicety~! xD
Ok now that I got that outta my system. ^^;;;
If you want to know my name or anything else like that you have to ask! Remember the only stupid question is the one never asked. And if your afriad it was a stupid question, then you'll know it is because I would have told you it was. xD
I'm basic. (Like cable, [this joke didn’t age well] xD) I have a good and a bad side. Stay on one plz. =)
♥♥ ~..::I Like::..~ ♥♥
-My few good friends
-Kawaii things
-Video games
-Anime & Manga
-Riding an atv through the mud
-Ice cream! :3
-Vampires, the occult, weird fantasy stuff
-Thinking for myself
-Drawing (I'm ok I guess, I'm not all that and a bag of chips)
-Having fun.
-DJ Markski! <333!
-Swearing~! xD (I try hard though not to do it though...)
-Zombies c:
✖..::I No Like::..✖
-Monkeys (I just don't like 'em...)
-Being put in a category or labeled.
-Haters (Don't hate xD)
-Mean people
-Two faced people
-Fashion robots
-People who don't like anime, or hate on it
-People who are quick to judge others
-Stereotypes (Be nice don't label people...)
-Doing the ******** dishes... )
'The I hate these things/people with a ******** passion!!! List'
-backstabbin' bishes
-People who go to the extremes when it's not needed
Avi Art~!!!
Angel_Serenity23 Pricce.Woot! I love Pricce~! She really should consider opening a shop.
Just pick up one, and say, "I helped make that. I helped it come into this world.... In a way, I conceived this fry.... *Wipe away tear*"
XD People would be like "...wut?"
~ quote from XxLuinxX
Days In The Life Of Akiko
No. I'm not going to tell you about my life. I'm just going to write my thoughts and such. You can agree or disagree. Your choice.
[imgleft:eaed1f6496]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb262/JadedPhoenix/GaiaOnline Avi Arts/sexymomma-1.png[/imgleft:eaed1f6496]
I've [u:eaed1f6496][b:eaed1f6496]been running[/b:eaed1f6496][/u:eaed1f6496] the [i:eaed1f6496]streets[/i:eaed1f6496] of AF since [b:eaed1f6496]'07[/b:eaed1f6496]. Don't get it [strike:eaed1f6496]twisted[/strike:eaed1f6496], homie.[/size:eaed1f6496]
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