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headbanger_heartbreaker's avatar

Last Login: 06/19/2011 11:30 am

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I'm poor, and i don't care.


This is just a bit about me.

Hey, wuz up? I'm Jake, and I'm 16 years old, and that's all I'm going to tell strangers about my personal stuff.

What I like: Girls, my friends, P.A.R.T.Y.S.!!! (not just like but love), Girls, I'm really into fashon at the moment, myjestic_moon, my mom, DR. PEPPER!, girls, warm weather, North America, Italy, and girls.

I despise: School, anything to do with school, school, overly religious people, school, any type of tea, rich people, snoby people, school, cold weather, hot weather, Iraq, Nazi's (not to be racest), and school.

Currently, I'm dating someone. Yes, she has an account, her username's myjestic_moon, and she's the only girl for me. So, sorry girls, I'm not a like Tiger Woods and date thirteen girls at once.

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little-giggles101 Report | 08/15/2011 3:57 pm
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
AnaFox 2012 Report | 06/24/2010 3:06 pm
AnaFox 2012
myjestic_moon Report | 06/06/2010 3:17 pm
just hangnin at my cuz's house. you?... i spent the night at my bf's house last night! it was cool. we were online all day and taking quizes. then we watched push and cloudy with a chance of meat balls.
myjestic_moon Report | 03/07/2010 3:54 pm
maybe he didn't cuz he doesn't want people to know.
AnaFox 2012 Report | 03/07/2010 3:53 pm
AnaFox 2012
i think if u tell her she will take it better
myjestic_moon Report | 03/07/2010 3:51 pm
how can i be so out of the loop? why didn't i know about chase's?
myjestic_moon Report | 03/07/2010 3:49 pm
yes. who else was throwing a party?
myjestic_moon Report | 03/07/2010 3:47 pm
there's 4? r u serouse? Ashley didn't invite me so don't go 2 her's.
myjestic_moon Report | 03/07/2010 3:44 pm
how many r there? im talkin about kyle's.
AnaFox 2012 Report | 03/07/2010 3:43 pm
AnaFox 2012

My dream avitar


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This is my girlfriend, stay away from her or I'll hurt you.

This is my girlfriends bro, he'll hurt you, too.

Six Truths of Life
1. You cannot touch all your top teeth with your tongue.

2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, will try it.

3. And discover that the first truth is a lie and feel superior because they can do it.

4. You're smiling now because you're an idiot.

5. You soon will forward this to another idiot.

6. There's still a stupid smile on your face.

I apologize about this.

I'm an idiot and I needed company ...
And I know you have a sense of humor and some teeth.

We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I'd like better. I'd really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would. I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated. I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and wash the car. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen. It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep. I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in. I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother/sister. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room,but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him. When you want to see a movie and your little brother/sister wants to tag along, I hope you'll let him/her. I hope you have to walk uphill to school with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely. On rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom. If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books. When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head..... I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a boygirl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like. May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole. I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it.. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope you realize he is not your friend. I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandma/Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle. May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the holidays. I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through your neighbor's window and that she hugs you and kisses you at Hannukah/Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand. These things I wish for you - tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life.... Written with a pen. Sealed with a kiss. I'm here for you. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

The beauty of love lasts a life time, but what happens when the relationship is long distance? It's still the same only hundreds (if not thousand) of miles away. When you're in love, it doesn't matter if your loved one is in the same city, state or even country. Love has no distance.