Hapless Security Guard's avatar

Birthday: 03/06

Les Toreador

"Stay Calm" by Griffinilla


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Your Last Dance Report | 12/08/2016 11:47 am
Your Last Dance
Pucca the Nerd King Report | 02/28/2015 10:11 am
Pucca the Nerd King
Hm? Oh! Ha, sorry about that. sweatdrop


Mike Schmidt is the unfortunate security guard in Five Nights at Freddy's who, for whatever reason, stays the entire five nights (and then some!) for reasons unknown.

The musical chimes of "Les Toreador" that Freddy plays when the power goes out hints that Mike might be a thrill-seeker. The lyrics:

"Toreador, on guard! Toreador!
And think well, yes think
as you are fighting
that a dark eye is watching you,
and that love is waiting for you,
Toreador, love, love is waiting for you!

Other reasons have been theorized, such as Mike possibly being involved with the incident known only as "The Bite of '87," having personal ties to the restaurant from childhood, keeping a terrible secret, or doing an undercover investigation to learn the truth of the unfortunate incidents that seem to plague Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

This version uses the theory that he bravely works at Freddy's to prevent more death and destruction, because he has it in him to survive until things change (and has a few thrill-seeker vibes underneath it).

NOTE: I am aware that Mike has since been given more canon characterization. I had this account long before then, and it will continue to function as Mike Schmidt, separate from Michael Afton under other names.

