gaia_nitemareleft yum_strawberry yum_puddi Ummm... hmmm.... let's see... I'm sweet, I mean extremly sweet o.o. I can't hold a grudge, for that long that is
sweatdrop . I love all my friends, because I mean where would we all be without friends they're what brings us up when we're down
heart I love to sing, even when my voice will crack horribly ^-^"...;o lalalalaaaa~!
heart I love to read mangas, mangas are kinda like my little bible series
3nodding and I will watch almost any anime unless they're to scary then I have to wait to watch them with someone *runs and huggles closest person I'm watching anime with* Well I guess that's really it, if you wanna know more just feel free to ask ;3 Oh~! and I love Foxies
yum_puddi yum_strawberry gaia_nitemareright
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