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My Avi Hanni Pie

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Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/17

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Hiya! I'm Hanni Pie! I'm Pretty New right now, so uhh, my places might be a bit boring as I need to get to grips with the ropes of Gaia! I would be happy if you'd like to be my friend! Just Saying...

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Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

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MarshmallowSkirt Report | 12/22/2009 10:18 am
Suits me. I apologize for the way I said it.
MarshmallowSkirt Report | 12/20/2009 12:05 pm
I just want to say, Taliah told me about when she saw you at Frankie and Benny's. I
did actually never like you. Also, I can't say anything to your face, for I never see you,
I would, but I can't. I'm on DA too you know. Oh and here's a tip. Don't comment on
your own profile, hit reply and your comment will appear on mine.
Hanni Pie Report | 11/13/2009 11:18 pm
Hanni Pie
oh, and let me add this, what have I ever done to you?
Why the **** have you began to hate me all of a sudden. what did i do wrong?
I was a best friend with you up until now.
you say I need a life? I've got one and its pretty good actually.
at least i don't spend most of my day unsulting people.
only small parts. if they deserve it.

This is the last on this point. comment back, I will simply just delete it.
I've had enough of this. I don't want to argue with lower life forms anymore.
Hanni Pie Report | 11/13/2009 7:34 am
Hanni Pie
whatever, just let me say this:
I can't beleive I actualy liked you and wanted to be your friend. I really regret that.
I pity you. I never thought you would go to the dogs (you know what i mean). I was wrong. I thought you were better than this, but no.

If all you can do is insult me by the internet, Its sad. if you want to say somthing say it to my face.
Get a life. you seriously need one.
MarshmallowSkirt Report | 11/12/2009 8:45 am
XD LOL (You're still a freak of nature)
I don't even care that you know who I am, it's pretty easy to work out biggrin
Hanni Pie Report | 10/11/2009 1:08 am
Hanni Pie
Let me just make it plain here. I know who you are. I went to primary school with you. I'm no longer how I used to be.
so, why the random comment, it wasn't a joke, or it didn't seem like one, so well, Get off my profile B***h.
MarshmallowSkirt Report | 10/10/2009 6:55 am
Dear Freak of nature
I dislike you with a passion
From God biggrin
Hanni Pie Report | 09/13/2009 3:43 am
Hanni Pie
Whatever Tal!
LadyTazmania Report | 09/13/2009 2:03 am
i M THE leader and you will worshiop me!¬!! hahaha i win!
LadyTazmania Report | 09/07/2009 11:33 am
This is taliah of deviant i am your leaders so bow down to me!!

xxx SiGnAtUrE xxx

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Dumb Test

lol This was fun! XD

l3 e     H a p p y     8D
xl luve u lx
angel Kaori-chan

I am Hanni Pie xxx!

angel Kaori-chan

ii_N E R D L O V E_ii

Suhai Uchiha






Deianira Burrell2

Well, I kinda think you prob will be. Im under 50% dammit! anyway, its only general knowlwdge.