Daft Punk groovy dance girl!



Gyzvx's avatar

Last Login: 03/02/2022 4:45 am

Registered: 10/23/2006

Gender: Animal


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Hello. Th' name is Gyzvx im an artist, thinker, and story teller.
I like myself my friends and I'll warm up to people who don't show too much ignorance or stupidity. Now I don't mean to sound like a jerk. Infact im really very nice once you get to know me, but i've had a few too many run ins with stupid people on these types of places. I would like to avoid that here. Oh...what else i like... Old school Sci-fi movies (they make me laugh), Chocolate, the new Elder scrolls game: Oblivion, Pok'e mon (i know, i know. get it out of your system ok...finished?), Magi nation Duel, Physics, Regge music, classical music, hip hop, rap, r&b.......you know what? I havnt found a music I didnt like (just artists) I like good food, good people, and open minds.
Im a caring person, a good listener, a bad speller (never got the disapline to care), a good conversationalist, I'm a slob in my own room (ITS MY SPACE LET CAOS REIGN IF I LET IT. THE SPACE IS MINE!!), I get sick around the smell of plain popcorn but i love white cheddar and caramel popcorn, I Think the god father series was boring, I Like nite better than day and I usually start my day at sunset (and no im not moody or angsty or a vampire im just nocturnal) Ok enough sharing.


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LickYouToDeath Report | 07/26/2019 7:10 pm
thank you for buying please visit my store again
TechDragon Z Report | 09/04/2014 3:52 pm
Yikes. Well, just felt like coming back on Gaia for a bit. I might be a little more active here again though I don't why I'm bothering. Nostalgia? Who knows.

Anyways, if you ever wanna talk I'm pretty much always signed in on Skype. PM me if you need my info.
TechDragon Z Report | 09/01/2014 2:57 am
So how's life been treating you?
Marachu Report | 07/29/2014 8:09 am
awh... hope you getting better though XC
Marachu Report | 07/28/2014 11:33 am
yar :3
how are you? :3
Marachu Report | 07/28/2014 10:41 am
Ey :3
Dances With Shadows Report | 07/23/2014 1:06 pm
Im so happy that you have returned!
Dances With Shadows Report | 07/21/2014 11:25 pm
TechDragon Z Report | 05/25/2013 7:20 pm
Been awhile eh?
Dances With Shadows Report | 08/13/2012 12:00 am
thats cool




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Okami Ameras

My fave animal...EVER!

A gardener by the name of Knoll
Goes for a joyful garden stroll.
His joyfulness, however, sours:
A mole is digging up the flowers.
He hurries off to fetch the hoe.
That old black burrower must go!
Instead of hit-or-miss aggression,
This problem calls for sly discretion.
Ah! Something's stirring in the patch,
And Knoll stands ready for the catch.
Take that! - And Knoll has missed his goal.
The hoe's asunder, not the mole.
The tool is mended without fail
By firmly wedging in a nail.
Again he's lurking, grave and bent,
Ignoring his environment.
Klaboom! - Enough to lose one's head! -
The neighbour's shooting sparrows dead.
But, anyhow and all the same!
The shooting's over. Knoll takes aim.
The monster's burrowing once more.
This is what Knoll's been waiting for.
Quite hastily he swings the hoe -
The pear tree's there to catch the blow.
The hoe's no good in times of need;
His trusty spade will do the deed.
Old boy, be silent, not a breath!
Let stealth and cunning be his death.
Shnarrang! A din assaults his ear;
A band of street musicians 's here.
Music is always noise-related
And often not appreciated.
When all is quiet, as before,
The burrower appears once more.
Knoll thrusts his spade and, doing so,
Attacks the creature from below.
Hoorah! And in a graceful arc
The mole emerges from the dark.
Ow yow! The rake, a prickly thing,
When sat upon, is known to sting.
Knoll, in the face of perforation,
Withdraws in painful contemplation.
Meanwhile, the apprehensive mole
Makes haste to dig himself a hole.
But Knoll, arisen, fierce and brave,
Annihilates the digging knave.
Here lies the scoundrel, sleek and sable.
He'd rather dig, but he's unable.
It does not suit him in the least
To be so suddenly deceased.

These are the
wonderful people
who have helped me
with my
home: heart
Ecitra Doll who
gave 600 gold.

Fromtheusa who gave
500 gold.
Offer much
Love! :MrGreen:

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