HIIAAATTTUS MUTHA ******** src="https://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/s.gif" alt="User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show." title="User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show." class="bbcode-swap-blocked-image" rel="https://reactiongifs.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/no-gif-todd-stashwick-supernatural-shapeshifter-dracula.gif" />
▶ Your goddamned Antihero. ◀

★ Grimmu's Quest
★ Crap Art Shop
★▶ Stop undermining your achievements, no matter how trivial you may think they are. Or Imma come punch you in the throat and then you can sulk about not breathing. ◀
A note for the passer-by.
It doesn't matter if you're fat, skinny, average. If you went to college
or have a GED, it doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, bi or transgendered.
Love yourself. Love yourself and enjoy life. You only have yourself to
answer to. Do not sell out and compare yourself to the expectations of
society. It's a rigged game to cause you suffering, to make you fill that
void with materialistic s**t you don't need.
Materialism and what you own does not add to your self-worth. Don't sacrifice yourself for attention and adoration. Learn who the ******** you are and then learn to love yourself. People will weigh you down with their own insecurities. It can become every man for himself, and that includes family, so don't be afraid when you have to cut ties.
First, no, I really don't give a s**t about your pixels. Second, most of you ******** in towns need to be chemically castrated because your genes will lower the over all intelligence of the human ******** you and your god damned trend following clique. You're doing everyone a disservice by being a cookie-cutter piece of s**t.
❁ ❁ ❁
► Engineer Major/Botany Minor.
► Myers-Briggs: INTJ (INTP Cusp)
► Mind Style: Abstract Sequential
► Über progressive.
► Love macabre/horror/murder/'different' art.
► Typically AFK.
► Your opinion ≠ fact.
► Hate unearned arrogance. If you want to be a c**t, make it useful and relevant. Otherwise you're a waste of resources.
► Anti-Nationalism. You're not (your/a) nation/state/puppet of political agenda. ❁ ❁ ❁
► I'm an amateur mycologist. (Blue Ridge Province)
► I love local flora and urban farming.
► I'm pro (heavily researched and evidence based) food for prevention of diseases.
► I can probably help you with your math homework.
► I enjoy discussions where you can remove yourself and your bias.
► I'm working on my 3.5th year of college.