Last Login: 10/01/2024 3:49 pm
Registered: 10/13/2007
Gender: Female
Birthday: 08/23/1993
< RL Sister
If you're selling Avi art I wanna
see some examples xP hehe
<< I change my avi often btw =D
-------------------- scroll down =O
Avi Art I have bought so far,
to see the list of artists click on the link Below ^_^
Link to Arts I Bought <3
Link to Arts I Drew <3
} << cant...stop...watching...
} Robert Downey Jr <3 lolol
Link to Anime I've watched:
My Anime List Click Here
MISFITS is awesome <3 Rudy
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2019 and i still never forgot ya. my long time friend ^---^
Come check out my free art raffle for Valentines Day!
I'm hosting a fun hangout event on Gaia and a free art raffle for a chance to win cute art just by participating in the event! :3
thank you you been a awesome friend. cool *hugs*
I'm old now sweatdrop