Something wicked this way comes

Ghouliepie's avatar

Last Login: 10/19/2023 9:06 am

Registered: 03/24/2018

Gender: Female

Location: The Bowels of Hell

Occupation: Spawning Nightmares

Sweet words of sorrow

View Journal

Beautiful Melodies Telling Terrible Things.


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Currently Obsessing over

A Horror beyond your comprehension

"By day when a million suns are killing with their shine
the cold, dark crypts are saving me and mine."

emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull

You may call me Ghoulie.

I've been haunting around here since 2006.

Perhaps we met here in a past life...

emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull emotion_skull

"I see my final night, Glory what a sight!
The blood, the wine, the roses - and me all snowy white."
