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Icy's -Hopefully- Daily Journal

I'll be writing about what is happening in my wonderful day to day life! I'm 14. I'll be 15 on the Third Of October. I'll be writing in specifics about my classes each day, and any other noteworthy things going on with me!

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Steaming Eros Report | 04/28/2008 8:56 pm
Steaming Eros
Steaming Eros Report | 04/28/2008 8:40 pm
Steaming Eros
...That's all I wanted, And you knew that from the start.
I'll take my leave now.

Good Bye, Kurtis.

Have a nice life.
Steaming Eros Report | 04/28/2008 8:10 pm
Steaming Eros
You win?

Is that some kind of joke?

Or did you forget, that I know where you go to school?

Did you forget that ottawa is a small city?

You're not hard to find.

Like, two days ago, I saw you, and Amron, and someone I did not know, running down a hill on a bus transit, as I passed by on the 87.

This isn't over Kurtis.

I'll hear from you soon.
Steaming Eros Report | 04/28/2008 7:43 pm
Steaming Eros
You ******** b*****d.

I swear to god...iYou sick twisted little boy.

If I EVER see you again...Count yourself lucky if you see "Your Man" After that.

You little f*****t.

You Claim Gaia Isn't your life, and yet, you care SOOO much to move accounts, and withhold the infromation on who hacked me.

Steaming Eros Report | 04/28/2008 7:24 pm
Steaming Eros
Darling, you are going to want to remove that video right fast.
Erika_Bascar Report | 04/21/2008 11:56 am
Hey Geo~
I got a weird gift from someone, saying how they love me but it can never be...
You have any clue who it is?

What's with calamity or w/e he is. You guys still talking?
elendramear Report | 04/19/2008 7:51 am
@~@ what the heck? who is that?! Is it someone i know, or someone u met here? do you need any help?what happened here?!
Living To Skate Report | 03/23/2008 5:40 pm
Living To Skate
Nice avatar. biggrin
replacing_339339 Report | 03/20/2008 4:34 am
this is powerful profile
Steaming Eros Report | 03/12/2008 12:53 pm
Steaming Eros
I see you like fan art!
I could draw you some if you want. =D

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