When You Look Me In The Eyes By Jonas Brothers (I dedicate this song to a guy i'm IN LOVE with)

A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez

The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez (I dedicate this song to a guy I'm IN LOVE with)


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forever darkness-prevails

forever darkness-prevails's avatar

Last Login: 03/28/2020 8:16 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/20/1992

You Stalkers......I Guess I Will Tell You.....

Welcome to my profile....my real name, you don't really need to know, so just call me forever darkness-prevails or darkness-prevails for short. I currently work part time as a cashier at a grocery store. I am a mom, since November 20th, 2018. I am also an aunt as well. I have 1 dog (dogs are my favorite animal). I still enjoy my favorite childhood tv shows as well.....(what can I say, it was when there was great shows on back than).

I am a very kind hearted person, that cares so much about her friends and family. I consider my very close friends like family to me. I've been hurt so much that I have learned to close my heart cause I'm afraid to open my heart to someone new again. I love making new friends (I promise, I don't bite....) if you want to be friends, I'm down.

Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Men
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Religion: Christian

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View All Comments

mysterious_love prevails Report | 06/20/2019 12:57 am
mysterious_love prevails
Happy Birthday!!! Have a fabulous day!
smallfry_prevails Report | 06/20/2019 12:49 am
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is fantastic!
o-xBlissx-o Report | 12/28/2018 3:39 pm
hey hey, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your comment! Yes I'm a believer biggrin You are too!?
Lila Matsumoto Report | 12/25/2018 7:58 pm
Lila Matsumoto
Sorry for the late reply. Wow! Things have been hectic for you!! More crazy than anything else too! But, at least, you have your little bundle of joy. ^^ Poor little guy, though. I hope he remains healthy even with that poor start.
Well, what is his name!?!? I bet he is the cutest thing in the world!! He even already had his first Christmas!! Oh! I am so glad that you finally reunited with your little one. I can't imagine having to be separated from a new-born for anything! Did you get to do anything for him for Christmas this year? What is his name?!!
zaberfang1990 Report | 12/24/2018 4:59 pm
yeah i get Christmas off, and technically working today was my choice because i had the choice of working today or the day after Christmas and i chose the day after so i get the next 2 days off now lol.
zaberfang1990 Report | 12/23/2018 11:02 pm
yeah sometimes ya just need ta get outa the house. and we did our Christmas service today though i have work tomorrow and then i need to wrap all my gifts...xD
silent ninja of waffles Report | 12/23/2018 1:46 am
silent ninja of waffles
What happened to him if you dont mind me asking
zaberfang1990 Report | 12/21/2018 10:56 pm
well at least ya got somethin ta do! going to church on sunday for me though is nothing special cus i go to church every sunday XD
zaberfang1990 Report | 12/18/2018 10:58 pm
ugh i just worked a 13 hour day (not including all the travel i have) anything that has to do with being awake right now id rather not think of D: lol but im mostly ready.....i still have to wrap gifts....but its normal for me to procrastinate on that and do it the night before xD
zaberfang1990 Report | 12/17/2018 9:36 pm
well im wishing yall good luck that all goes well biggrin
Lila Matsumoto