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Go back to where you came from... You're not welcome here!

I warned you, impeccable Gaian. You shouldn't of intoxicated my land!

*cough cough* Aye, my apologies. My character was starting to get the better of me. Just call me Cichol, Fomor, or whatever according to the title below my appearance. No real names for you trespassers.

I am of 14 years, since my summoning of November 13th. I am singular, with a growing demise for relationships. Not my sort of motion. *shrug*
Ironically, I do fangirl over Cichol in an MMO named Mabinogi. He is the God of Fomorians and so.. He hates all humans for trespassing the land of Erinn. Poor Morrighan, he's hating her so much right now. Ah.. well.

Now take your leave, before my soldiers take their fun at you mercilessly.

Oh... And remember this... The future that's been promised to you is a lie, my dear uninvited guest.
