
I guess I should have done this long time ago, but I really don`t know if I am that interresting... LOL

Well... I am a grown woman, dragged on Gaia by my daughter. Then I started fishing, and the rest is history as they say.

I live in Norway with my family. Enjoying our lovely Summers, and hating the arctic Winters more and more.

I like to read. No thats not right. I love to read, and will read pretty much anything. As long as its good. Crime, romance, thrillers, scary stuff, biographies... As I said. Anything smile
I also like to write, and have written quite a few song lyrics. No poetry, or novels. Yet !

I am a teacher. Or used to be. I don`t work any more. I stay at home now, and I like it. I am seldom bored. There is always things to do, games to be played (hmm... I wonder when I will grow up... lol ), or books to be read.

The most important passtime for me is my family and friends, and they will always have top priority for me. I love them so much !

Well.. Now you know a little about me....... ; )


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/15/2016 6:11 am


Any one home?
Been a long time, how's it going?

Report | 12/08/2014 3:44 pm


Be careful out there...I know it's a mad house. xd
Your visit should be nice. That's a change. Right? Going to your daughters instead of you're place.

London Calling, oui. rofl

Report | 12/07/2014 1:34 am


Don't you know, i don't do the holiday. I thought you did. eek
Been more busy with doctor appointments, and getting over a blasted cold. xd
How are you doing my dear?

Report | 11/14/2014 6:08 am


Well, this came in like a LION, so is it then expected to go out like a LAMB?
The nice weather lasted longer than normal, I was wondering when it/winter would finally get here. surprised

Report | 11/14/2014 5:59 am


Oh yes, they got dumped on. We here in Colorado Finally have snow I think will be around for the winter and freezing temps. We're talking 0 and below. Keeping the fire going, too.

Report | 10/10/2014 4:07 am


Got the cows back, yes. Will have to get them preg checked before slaughter cause if they were covered by the bull, well, that would be sad to butcher them.
Yeah, hope things will smoothen out here pretty soon, at least before next month. Hubby maybe having to go to California for 4 days schooling. Wouldn't really want to be here all alone.

Report | 10/07/2014 3:56 am


You're swim sounds nice, I miss the ocean...Yes, it is autumn but we've had snow, melted here already, and now the leaves are being blown around. The Elk I've heard bugle which is a good sign of autumn/winter. biggrin
This summer was sorta a mess with all my issues. Hope that things will get better before the winter sets in real good. We've got all the wood done and I still have all my fingers. LOL

Report | 06/27/2014 12:03 pm


Yea, some are just awesome.


Report | 06/25/2014 4:43 am


Th-thank you.


Report | 05/20/2014 7:18 am


Lol, hello. ^_^