My name's Lian and I always find myself thinking my next step. I'm random (VERY) and think things more than I should or want (but that doesn't mean I always do the right thing. Quite the contrary). I love trying to get along and have a bad habit of faking who I am just so I can fit in or impress people. I L.O.V.E quiet people. You never know what you can expect from them. For some odd reason, the things and people I want most are far away so I miss a lot. I think I'm creative and a great friend. You'll always see I'm trying my best to make you smile (like I said, a bad habit). I'm self-sacrificed and can be a drama queen sometimes. But I'm a great person at heart (I know so). God is with me and it is because he is that I tell people to smile all the time. A smile heals. I'm BFF-less (Maybe my standards are too high) but have lots of friends. Some of which I love dearly. -With Love, LiThis is me... in the future (Yes, I can see through time)

Total Value: 5,550,795 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish 4th Gen.
Kelp o' th' Loch 2nd Gen.
Let it Snow
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Mercury's Moon
Pure White Sweet Lace Rockinghorse Shoes
Fallen Wish
Pure White Sweet Lace Dress
Mercury's Moon
Fallen Wish 12th Gen.
Audrey's White Long Gloves

Name: Shiro-kun
Likes: Serious things, the cold
Doen't like: childish people, being adressed as little boy stressed
Owner: I AIN'T GOT NO OWNER, a*****e!!!! scream

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