Haiii, I is ChihiroOnee. Pronounced Chihiro OHNAY. (big sister Chihiro)
biggrin I barely come on anymore. I am very busy.
I like sunflowers.
I don't lie or swear (well i try not to).
I enjoy watching trashy reality television shows, such as Jersey Shore.
I have 3 groups of friends. And 10 best friends :3
I want to be a child psychiatrist when I get older.
I love video games; my favorite is Fallout 3.
My favorite candy is sour patch kids
smile Pandas are my favorite animal.
My favorite sports are lacrosse and shopping.
I try to achieve 11-12 hours asleep every night.
Pink & White are my favorite colors.
I'm the go-to girl for advice
smile I'll be anyone's friend, get to know me! :3

Avi art by me
wink ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dream Avi:

Total Value: 92,264,731 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Golden SparklesSilver Tiara With SapphireClassilke 5th Gen.Mini Angel WingsStaff of the AngelsMythrill HaloFairy WingsAngelic PendantAudrey's White Long GlovesElven Ears (Tone C)Winter RoseMagical MenderNoble PlumagePermafrostRIP ConanCompass of Seidh 5th GenSpring BrideMasquerade 9th Gen.Masquerade 9th Gen.SDPlus #99 Kanoko~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Other Avis i want :3

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