i am hyperlove my weird friends
break out laughing when the room is silent due to somtin that happened yesterday
hate dresses
sings a lot
has many odd friends
loves 2 be random cause its what makes me
can always use more friends
burst into song sumtime
music makes up 99.99% of my life
love to party like a poptart
quotes many songs so u might wanna pay attention to what i say
hates gossip and rumors if its not true then there is no need to say it right?
been through many things making me the person u c standing b4 u 2day
i have many pets (not gonna go into detail)
hates people who follow the crowd b urself and u get far more in life
misses my friends really easily
hates fighting with my freinds
i dont like fighting but if ne one messes with my friends i will mess them up
been kno 2 do some pretty craz shiz
ALWAYS random u never kno what to expect from me
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I haven't been on for about a year and you may not remember me but I was once known as Copper_The_Hound. I've changed my name to Classy_Clarinet to begin a fresh start onto Gaia once again. I'm wanting to catch up with you and see how things are going for you.