Elizabeth Nightly

Elizabeth Nightly's avatar

Birthday: 03/18


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I'm really into drawing (pencil, pens, charcoal, etc) and writing... I'm going to Ohio State for Design, hoping to land a job as a tattoo artist in North Carolina... I LOVE the beach and want to move there someday!
Uhm... I think that's about it... Check out my art in the arenas! emotion_kirakira


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User_37578505 Report | 12/06/2014 11:56 am
Hi and thank you so much for the kind comments on my art~! heart I'm kinda new here (just started 3 days ago lol) and I'm still trying to get used to things rofl BUT THANK YOU~~~!!
Jeff Caramel Report | 09/27/2012 7:44 pm
Jeff Caramel
haha, yeah i thought i was special. that's why i was originally so enthusiastic about it, but then i saw that he was just going through artists in the arena and dropping the same message sweatdrop
BobCatHKSS Report | 09/27/2012 5:11 pm
I'm not angry at you.
malalaliyah Report | 08/07/2012 2:16 am
Hey, Nightly. wink Long time no see. Remember me at all? I used to be Yahinko-Nanuki until I up and changed my username like a derp. lol
Jeff Caramel Report | 06/15/2012 10:22 pm
Jeff Caramel
we're allowed to wear hats in class in college. 3nodding
BobCatHKSS Report | 06/12/2012 5:22 pm
Any reason you don't want to reply to PM's?
malalaliyah Report | 06/12/2012 4:04 pm
Ok, so in the end, I DID end up changing my avii. But DON'T KILL ME! I still have a pic of the old one on my profile. XDDDD
Tcyiora Report | 06/07/2012 11:18 pm
Thank you for voting and commenting on my artwork! :'D
Il Lady Fawn Il Report | 06/07/2012 12:34 am
Il Lady Fawn Il
redface heart sweatdrop
Il Lady Fawn Il Report | 06/06/2012 8:55 pm
Il Lady Fawn Il
wow thankyou so much emotion_kirakira crying


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