Welcome one and all to my neglected profile page.
I rewrite this every now and again but the years seem to pass quite quickly and all my info gets outdated (Thank Aliraluna for the lovely message that directed me to this fact)
Who am I?
I am a person who loves nothing more than to enjoy myself. I do what I please and feel content with doing so. I'm also what one would refer to as a psychopath, I lack an kind of human empathy and frankly would love to see the world destroy itself. My only regret is that I will not be able to witness it. Living forever is the dream, just to watch it all burn down 3nodding . Now that isn't an edgy comment, that is my honest wish. It will never be fulfilled since humans are basically cockroaches, so I have to amuse myself with other things.
What do I do?
At the moment, very little. Lost my job a few month ago and now currently looking for new employment. Apart from that, I try and learn other languages such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese and German. But fail in my endeavours due to having a severe lack of focus for the task. I watch a lot of Youtube covering many topics, this is the primary offender that contributes to my lack of focus. I play the Violin and the Guitar to a decent level as well. Lastly, I do love to read.
I do hope that someone comes by and reads my hard written words feels a sense of kinship. Yes, although my views can be extreme, I have no power to enforce said views and thus I'm generally quite pleasant.
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How long has it been years, how are you Elfy!?
scream scream scream blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl