Howdy, My name is Sam but you can call me Alex or Ego. Not much to say about me besides I can be sarcastic at times but i'm never looking to offend someone. Unless you seem like a total douche. Anyways i'm a roleplayer, I also voice act and review video games. I cosplay and am the creator of the highly successful "Can Town Hall: The secondary citizens of Homestuck" panel at ohayocon 2013. Any way i'm in many fandoms including: Hannibal, Homestuck, Sherlock, Rooster Teeth, Game Grumps, Skrillmau5, OFF and many more. Want to roleplay? Just hit me up and we can discuss things. I do have a girlfriend and she's the best I could ask for so, back off or whatevs. I LOVE EDM. and have a wide variety that I listen to. But other than that, that's me, Got a question? Just ask. Peace out. <3
I like gore/guro, spoopy stuff and rhythm games. MZD is the bby~

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im only in french 2
so voila
Attack on the titan? Is that a Greek mythology movie? Is it good?
How are you?? Sorry, i'm trying to figure out how i'm supposed to talk to you so please bear with me.