Draconic Royal

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My Lady Disdain Report | 01/02/2009 11:57 pm
My Lady Disdain
Yes, she had mentioned that she liked what UO had done. If she would rather do it herself, that is, of course, just as fine. I am merely the messenger in this, I'm afraid.
My Lady Disdain Report | 01/01/2009 5:26 pm
My Lady Disdain
My love, why don't you pick out a couple pictures that you would like UO to use for your profile, and she can update this place for you? User Image
My Lady Disdain Report | 12/25/2008 11:17 am
My Lady Disdain
... <3 Why thank you, my love. (I notice you are always higher on the page than I am. I hope you didn't think I wouldn't notice.)
My Lady Disdain Report | 12/27/2007 5:10 am
My Lady Disdain
Thank you, dear. Merry Solstice.

I do like that outfit on you. That jacket is flattering. User Image
bebekayel Report | 12/20/2007 5:15 am
tnx for the purchase..^^
My Lady Disdain Report | 12/06/2007 1:12 pm
My Lady Disdain
You are truly exhasperating.

Thank you. User Image
My Lady Disdain Report | 11/26/2007 3:43 am
My Lady Disdain
If nothing else, you answered your own question, but yes, that would be roughly why I told my mun to fill in whatever she wanted.


I should have known better than that one. 'Wacky hijinks ensue'.

At any rate, your mun can fill in something so you can suffer with me. User Image
Draconic Royal Report | 11/25/2007 10:41 am
Draconic Royal
... I should? What's there to tell, really? I'm the king of a country that's trying to rebuild itself from the ground up, my older brother turned traitor except that he didn't and he's dead now anyway so what does it matter, and one of my best friends is somebody I'll never actually see again, most likely, and... yeah. What'm I supposed to say here?
My Lady Disdain Report | 11/25/2007 4:17 am
My Lady Disdain
You know, someday you really must convince your mun to fill in your profile.
My Lady Disdain Report | 11/22/2007 1:33 am
My Lady Disdain
Mm, I suppose you will simply have to settle for not knowing. If you can't figure it out, I am not about to tell you. User Image



My Lady Disdain

Van Slanzar de Fanel