Devotchka-forever claimed

Devotchka-forever claimed's avatar


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I am Sam. Sam I am. I could quote that whole book because I'm the epitome of nerd.
I love reading and writing. I had a short story published once -- highlight of my life.
I am the quintessential weird person. Eclectic and eccentric with ever-wandering inquiries.
I am a Christian, but I promise not to shove it down your throat. I like people of all types/religions/makeups/ideologies.
I do have a dark side, but who doesn't. There are certain parts of me that are more deviant than others ^_^
I love chitchat and questions: so let's do that. Especially if there's more you want to know. I'm always up for making a friend sweatdrop
But I'm socially awkward LOL


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From the Life of You Less-Than-Average Teen

This is just me, as I am. Maybe Ill put down some poems or stories, because I like to write. You never know what to expect.


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Melancholiosis Report | 05/21/2012 10:49 pm
I didn't know that. I'd heard something similar about Lewis Carroll.
Seems like most good stories are the result of
Melancholiosis Report | 05/18/2012 11:57 pm
Oh my gosh. I LOVE Dr. Seuss!!
His books made me sooo happy...well, I guess they still do. xp
Melancholiosis Report | 04/16/2012 9:53 pm
You seem interesting.
I have nothing specific in mind right now, but I would like to chat sometime.

bunbunss13 Report | 03/16/2012 8:31 pm
really? thats awesome!!! do you wanna do a trade? i have tokens and tickets. im questing green and blue bugs
bunbunss13 Report | 03/11/2012 2:23 pm
oh hai... so i was just wondering if chu had any bugs or inkies? perhapsith we could do a trade? heart heart heart
I Poop With Authority Report | 03/02/2011 9:33 am
I Poop With Authority
kk Oddle Kaboodle Noddles XD Ill misses you and you call me goofface, and yeah I went there, called you goof face, what what nig? XD
I Poop With Authority Report | 03/02/2011 9:27 am
I Poop With Authority
NOOOODLLLEESSSSSS OMG YOU ISH ONLINE!!! *runs up and glomps* Ive missed ya lots buddeh, you need to be on more>.< but still haiii <3
Kamaoe Report | 01/14/2011 12:30 pm
You did indeed. I am soooo excited!!!! rofl
Kamaoe Report | 01/06/2011 1:38 pm
Heeeeeyyyyyyyy Saaaaammmmm. I'm making my horoscope with my new astrology book, I was wondering if you'd like me to do yours.
Kamaoe Report | 12/28/2010 2:45 pm
Just be sure to not get into big trouble at the bookstore.


X Love from the grave X


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I Poop With Authority
Larten Vanderpool

This is Toasty, my SaraLee, my bestest person that I loves like no others. I am claiming him under my protection. And that means him is mine. Toasty awesomeness and all. <3 (PS he writes amazing themem songs)

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