
DestiexDestruction's avatar

Last Login: 10/05/2019 8:17 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/16


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My name is Destiny. I don't trust very many people and if I tell you I trust you, believe it. I've been through a lot that has made me the way I am. I cut myself, I 'm pretty sure that I'm bipolar. I am VERY easy to piss off, especially if you are talking s**t about my family or friends. I don't trust anyone until proven trustworthy. A while ago (almost a year ago actually) I was majorly depressed and contemplating suicide. I didn't tell anyone except for one person... which I met the day that I was going to kill myself... He literally saved my life. His name is Daniel, and I'm in love with him. We've been together for almost eleven months now, and I would do anything for him except die. Why wouldn';t I die for him? because I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love and I'm not going to put him through that... I still suffer from depression, but he helps me get through it. Sure we have our arguments, but we have made it through everything so far. Right now I'm a sophmore in highschool, he is a senior, and he's trying to decide where he wants to go to college right now, I plan on being with him for the rest of my life. I know I'm not the smartest person, but I'm pretty sure it'll happen, I don't know what I'd do without him honestly. He's my world. You guys are lucky to have the privilage of knowing this stuff about me because most of my friends don't even know this stuff.

When she walks away from you mad:
[ Follow her ]
When she stares at your mouth:
[ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hits you:
[ Grab her and dont let go ]
When she starts cursing at you:
[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she's quiet:
[ Ask her whats wrong ]
When she ignores you:
[ Give her your attention ]
When she pulls away:
[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst:
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying:
[Just hold her and dont say a word ]
When you see her walking:
[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared:
[ Protect her ]
When she lays her head on your shoulder:
[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steals your favorite hat:
[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she teases you:
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesn't answer for a long time:
[ Reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt:
[ Back yourself up ]
When she says that she loves you:
[ She really does more than you could even understand. ]
When she grabs at your hands:
[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]
When she bump's into you:
[ Bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tells you a secret:
[ Keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes:
[ Don't look away until she does ]
When she misses you:
[ She's hurting inside ]
When you break her heart:
[ The pain never really goes away ]
When she says its over:
[ She still wants you to be hers ]
When she reposts this on her page its cuz:
[ She wants YOU to read it ]
When she tells you she loves you,
[ Tell her you love her you love her back]


******* I'm a liar, because I don't tell you everything. I'm a slut, because I like boys. I'm weird, because I'm not like you. I'm a nerd, because I actually like reading sometimes. I'm a fake, because most of the time I'm happy. I'm stupid, because sometimes I'm wrong. I'm a prep, because I like looking nice. I'm a punk because I hate listening I'm done being labeled. Put this on your pro-file if you hate being judged!


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Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/10/2012 2:58 pm
Endless Exhaustion
Oh alright.
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/10/2012 2:53 pm
Endless Exhaustion
Oh ^.^
I've actually been spending the past 3 hours trying to respond to a roleplay.
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/10/2012 2:45 pm
Endless Exhaustion
Aw I'm sorry...and who's Keagon?
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/10/2012 10:49 am
Endless Exhaustion
Aw D': I can't tell did he kill the dog that ran down the stairs or a different one?
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 8:07 pm
Endless Exhaustion
She'll probably post tomorrow :'3
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 7:27 pm
Endless Exhaustion
xD oh
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 7:17 pm
Endless Exhaustion
lol gratz~ and yeah ^.^
Are the other characters frequent posters?
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 7:04 pm
Endless Exhaustion
Yay o/ because I have a bad habit of wanting to please people and if I don't it smacks me on the back of the head all day.
Since I have a boyfriend, whenever I see someone trying to hit on him, I'll flirt with my own boyfriend because we make a (rather awkward to others) game out of it.
And without realizing it, he scares off all the ladies :'3
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 6:52 pm
Endless Exhaustion
Okay, then I'm fine with that. phew, that's a load off my heart. :'3
Endless Exhaustion Report | 08/09/2012 6:39 pm
Endless Exhaustion
D': you don't hate me right?


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*~Kiss on lips = I love you~*Kiss on nose = your specialKiss on ear = I adore youKiss on shoulder = your mineKiss on cheek = friendshipKiss on fore head = comfortKiss anywhere else = be carefullSmiling at each other = I like youStaring = your cute or prettyLooking at each other = I like youHolding hands = happinessHugs = they careSlap on the a** = interestedArm around the waist = i need youBreathing in your ear = warming upRaising eyebrows = flirting~*Looking around = hide`n there feelingsSqueeze on hand = dont leaveTear drop = im losing youCrying = I lost you