Just an old-school gamer, sometimes-writer, sometimes-artist, and all-around nutjob.Current project: making/recording gaming vids for YouTube, writing stories for AO3 when the muse strikes, and drawing stuff for dA when I feel up to making art.
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Looking around after being away from gaia for so long. Wonder if anyone from the past still comes on any more.
At least you know I'm on your side on the whole 'Cross-play Cosplay' ordeal.
People should be allowed to cross-play characters without having to deal with a-holes shooting their mouths off about that stupid gender-bender potion.
So what if someone CAN afford it? Doesn't mean they HAVE to buy it.
I know that it pisses you off--you made the Eyeless Jack avatar originally and a-holes harassing you for not using a gender-bender potion still pisses you off--but, honey..I don't want to be downvoted by vengeful a-holes because you rightfully tore them apart like they're a wet piece of toilet paper. (FYI, Yes, I still agree with you--those people were/are rude AF.)
No worries, I'll delete any comments that I don't like...and clearly I don't like those a-holes any more than you do.
So...no need to go Knight Templar in the avatar arena, okay?