dee ban

dee ban's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/01

Occupation: College Student


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About Dee

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Female. Genuinely indecisive. Full time college student.
Most of my hours "offline" are usually for academic studying.
Majoring in Pharmaceutical Science consumes most of my free time but my love for science cannot be expressed in words. Finding organic chemistry and biology enthralling might sound over the top, but, I want to mystify their existence for making us feel so insignificant. Socially awkward duration of time but I'm always enthusiastic when meeting new people. An occasion Anime and International forum, but I dedicate most of my time now in the Site Questions & Assistance forum helping out and learning how to handle new things.

ど ん な ど の 速 さ で 生 き ん な...
き み に ま た 会 え る の か。

-Otaku for Anime
- Kpop/Jpop/Jrock/Jazz
- iTekTek, iDraw, izOMG


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