Captain fabulous try hard

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aniral Report | 09/26/2012 4:29 pm
In response to your comment on my Art arena pic:

First off, thanks for commenting and the criticism. I can't improve If people don't point out little details! biggrin

You said:
"I like your picture but some criticizing that will help you improve your picture if you want. The head is a little to small, and skin is a pale yellowish tent that doesn't look natural. The face also has a darker skin tone then the rest of the body."

The head is actually not as small as it may seem, but the black background that shows up (Apparently it doesn't like transparent backgrounds!) kind of hides it as there is a part of her head under her bandana (consider where you see the hair ties.). And the skin IS all the same color (I use Photoshop, and it's all on the same layer, thus my surity) but the shading is what did it. And skin tone? Welll honestly I've seen skin that is that tone.. and I also wasn't considering it an issue since she's got unnatural hair/eyecolor! sweatdrop

I can still change it.. but considering that she's technically a machine... *shrugs*

Again! Thanks for commenting! If you want to see a better quality image, I would suggest looking at the link I posted.
Bitterwing Report | 09/20/2012 7:34 pm
Thanks so much for all your comments in the Art Arena! heart ;A;
Boesen Moo Report | 09/10/2011 12:47 pm
Boesen Moo
I love that band, a few of us got to see them live last month. I've been wearing this outfit in tribute. xp
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:53 pm
I can deal without the Yaoi fangirls and Yuri fanboys. Other than that I can coast without hating to many of those anminers
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:40 pm
I know enough about everything to be able to bait fans of almost anything. Except those Japanimos and animoots.
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:34 pm
I was hoping you were a doctor who fan when I said time lord. cool
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:26 pm
I can't quite understand you, but if you wanted to get into my space-time entangler, you just had to say please.
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:13 pm
How did you find out that I'm a time lord. cool
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 11:08 pm
Originally I thought it would be too gay to fully enjoy, until one went down on me and I enjoyed myself to the fullest.
RectumFire Report | 08/31/2011 10:58 pm
heart If you were an actual transvestite I would invite you to my back room, I would settle for a guy who dresses like a girl heart
Now I think you have the right to insinuate that I'm gay.




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