
bluwitpink's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/16


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About ME

I'm an only child who has some old fashioned Filipino parents, but no matter what I do, they still love me. I was born and raised in Hawaii. I spoil myself with clothes, bags and shoes. Roxy, American Eagle, tokidoki, Coach, Hollister, Gucci, Juicy, Guess, bebe are some brands that I like. I'm very gurly. I like to wear dresses and skirts. I like to wear makeup. I'm really into pink even though I like blue too. My favorite kitty is Hello Kitty. Kuromi is cool too. I like hearts and butterflies. I like going to the beach and relax. I don't mind trying new things as long as I'm still alive. =P I'm an all or nothing kind of person. I don't why maybe it's just the way I was brought up. I tend to analyze things way toooo much, but I think it's because of the career I want to get into. I'm a very nice person...too nice where people can take advantage of, but when I do realize it you'll be sorry you ever took advantage of me. I cherish the people who are in my life and care about me. I can be bitter but I don't hold grudges. I don't regret either. I try to live my life to the fullest.


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aaznpnaigurl Report | 04/14/2009 2:06 pm
not have a better background...i justed used what gaia had... sweatdrop
aaznpnaigurl Report | 04/13/2009 3:40 am
Found you did you knoe i made an Bleach OC of my self its cool...
Saraba Kokyou Report | 02/24/2009 4:46 pm
Saraba Kokyou
and likewise! ur lucky to be in 13th squad! biggrin

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