You want to help me get items on my wishlist without me begging for it, right? @,@
Then buy something from me already!
For those of you that have bought from me or are going to buy... Thanks for buying my junk
Birthday: 05/26
Random typing, usually just to get gold...
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But unless life also gives you water and sugar, you're going to have some lame lemonade.
(>< )
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny to your signature
to help him achieve world domination.
My riches are found in my head.
A gallery of my Gaia friends : )
Leader of the Dragula clan.
My sis
Neura- often has awesome avaters
Odoshi- Yet another awesome avatar
My gallery of cool avatars I have stumbled across and got permission to show (I love meeting new people at my shop :3)If you'd like to be added, pm me to let me know!
Demonic Fox1182- another awesome avatar and my friend
xForgottenWolfx- My favorite furry friend :3 I've always been impressed with his avatars!
Clira- A customer who let me put her avatar in my gallery!
SeraphimDoll- when I first met her, she was wearing the most beautiful outfit *bliss in memory*
Princesa Crystal Azure- A customer and a Gaia fishing champion!
Acacia the wolf- I saw her on a gaming forum. She has a cool profile, too. Check it out!
Kaybii Sharie- I came across one of her avatars in the Art Arena and asked permission to show it.
College Buddy!
-II-kiyoko-II- Customer. Good luck with those tokens!
Solar Echo- Met at the marketplace.
A fellow Transformer fan. We both love our giant robots. XD
BogiePop- fellow Transformer fan, excellent outfit creator, and has some of the funniest signatures I've ever seen.
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