Lost in a dark place, wanting to hide their face. Who may this be? Of course, it's me. Why, so shy, on a beautiful day? Nothing but memories, inside, they die. Something has forced them, away, away. No one but nothing, nor anybody or anything. Something evil, something sealed, never to be revealed. Someone who's been left to die, someone with something to hide. Anyone know? Of course, no.Well, dear children. No time to wait! Having already met your inevitable fate. Now now, don't be late. This trip is a trip of fate.
I am very rhmish. I rhyme a lot other words. Not like stupid little turds..... I am not your average person. That first paragrah explains me in ways. I am a dark person, people call me emo. I call me true. But no one knows, it's between me and you. My name is ____. You'll never know, because I don't know you. I don't intend on finding you out. Don't intend on finding me out. You'll be dead before your search begins. Lost in the blood of your first sins. Now our trip begins. Welcome to the world, of an Omnious sin. Someone knows my every word, but not daring to be heard. Someone knows all my sins, and hardly ever said a word. Nothing can, nothing will. Nothing shall be heard, nothing said, nothing done....
I like waffles. Preferrably ones with chocolate. I like chocolate. Feel free to stop bye and give me a:
Chocolate Waffle
Ginger Bread Man
Teddy Bears
A Corpse
A New Pet
if you do, you won't get killed. :3 Thanks for coming, but this is your stop. I'll trip you, you little jit.
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