Stalkers wanna know me
The name's Alix, and I'm 15 years young. I am VERY random, don't like it? PM me so i can laugh at you.
I like to draw, hit me up if you want me to draw you. :3
I like to play soccer. I don't want to brag or anything, but i have been asked to play in different countries. Yeah, that good.
I also like play World of Warcraft. Awesome sauce = w =
I don't like people who are like mega rude, they need to learn respect for others.
I don't like any nuts[food, you perv], cause I'm allergic.
I can take people making fun of me, but not my family or friends.
I have trust issues... don't want to get into depth, only my close friends will know.
Oh, && by the way.. i ♥ Footie Pajamas (:
Random friggin' questions. ;3
001. What is Your Name? -- Alix
002. How old are you? -- Fifteen
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? -- You know you wanna stalk me.
004. What is your height? -- 5'3.5''
005. Do you have any siblings? -- Yes, Five.
006. What is your eye colour? -- Green
007. What is your hair colour? -- Dark red with blonde bangs. LOOKS HECKA TIGHT <3
008. Do you wear glasses or contacts? -- Glasses.. NERD glasses
009. Are you right handed or left handed? -- Right handed
010. Do you have any piercings? -- Four in my ears
011. Do you smoke? -- Nope; i have asthma, it would kill me.
012. Do you swear? -- O U O Sometimes...? 8D
013. Do you get along with your parents? -- Of course
014. Your heritage -- Scottish, Norwegian, German, And other stuffs
015. Your fears -- Drowning, Heights, Losing People.
016. Goal you would like to achieve this year -- Poop on your bed
017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger -- "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA"
018. Best Physical Feature -- Everything; i am sexxay! 8D
019. Your bedtime -- 10 ;[
020. What time do you arise in the morning? -- 5 am on school days.
021. First thoughts waking up? -- WHO DARES INTERRUPT MY SLUMBER?!?!?
022. Do you shower daily? -- Yes!
This Or That?
023. Bright or dark room? -- Bright; my walls are pink. Haha.
024. Chocolate or vanilla? -- Chocolate
025. Dogs of cats? -- Dogs :3
026. Pepsi or Coke? -- Pepsi
027. McDonalds or Burger King? -- Nasty.. but i like McDonald's MilkShake
028. Ant or Dec? -- I Choose You Pikachu! ... idk
029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? -- I don't really like tea
030. Cappuccino or Coffee? -- Coffee
In the last month have you...
031. Drank alcohol? -- No
032. Gone to a mall? -- ....No.... ;[
033. Eaten a box of Oreos? -- Nope, haven't had some in a long time.
034. Eaten sushi? -- EW!
035. Been on stage? -- No...
036. Been dumped? -- No.
037. Gone skinny dipping? -- Yes.. HAHA jk no..
038. Stolen Anything? -- Nope.. Everything in this section was no... That's cool...
Have you ever...
039. Laughed for no reason? -- HELL YEAH
040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? -- Duh.
041. Been in love? -- Nope. ;[
042. Fired a gun? -- Yes
043. Been drunk? -- No
044. Been called a Tease? -- I don't know what that means... D;
045. Been beaten up? -- Haha no. I would stick their hand up their own a** if they touched me. <3
046. Shoplifted? -- Nope.
What was the last....
047. Furry thing you touched? -- Hmm.... My dog.
048. Thing you've said? -- "I want to suck souls." Don't ask...
049. Song you've listened to? -- O'Death. lol
050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? -- My mommy ;3
051. Movie you watched? -- The new Karate Kid
052. Thing you were doing before this? -- NOTHING D;<
053. Time you cried? -- I don't remember ;/
054. Song you've sang? -- Hakuna Matata
055. Time you looked at the clock? -- 1:00 am
056. Food and drink you've had? -- Orange juice and popcorn lol
057. Flavour of gum you've chewed? -- Sweetmint? idk, something like that
058. Shoes you've worn? -- My slippers
059. Store you've been in? -- Some soccer store for my soccer sweats
060. Planet? -- Pluto! Even if it isn't technically a planet.
061. Age you've been so far? -- 13-14?
062. Season? -- All
063. Number? -- 13 biggrin
064. TV show? -- SUPERATURAL!!
065. Flower? -- I don't like flowers ];<
066. How much cash do you have on you? -- a dime o. o
067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? -- You're dumb <3
068. What T-Shirt are you wearing? -- None 8D hah jk
069. What brand of shoes are you wearing? -- a*****e shoes
070. What did your last text message say? -- Idk, i can't find my phone xP
071. What were you doing at midnight last night? -- Sitting in my seat staring at the screen.... So nothing ;D
072. What's your current desktop picture? -- LMAO... It's ***** breaking into my screen.
073. What's a word that you say a lot? -- "Oh that's cool." or "b***h." Lol
074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? --No doubt i would be rainbow. ;D
075. How is the weather right now? -- Night o. o
076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? -- How they act.
077. Are you too shy to ask someone out? -- Yes >;[ Well, and no?
078. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? -- Nope.
079. Who would you like to see right now? -- You O U O
080. How many pillows do you sleep with? -- 7 HAHA you're jealous
081. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? --No, i'm not stupid.
082. How do you want to die? -- With a bang! BANG! BANG! BANG!
083. What do you want to be when you grow up? -- An assassin/ninja... No friggin' joke
084. What country would you most like to visit? -- Scotland.
085. How many CDs do you own? -- None 8D That's what an iPod is for, silly!
086. How many things, in your past, do you regret? -- Hmmm... None? Well, some, but none.
087. Do you think you are attractive? -- Hell yeah, i am SEXXAY!
088. Do you believe in yourself? -- Yes
089. Do you want to get married? -- When i am older.
In a boy...
090. Favourite eye colour? -- Doesn't matter, they just have to twinkle when i look at them <3
091. Favourite hair colour? -- Lol, idc
092. Short or long hair? -- I LOVE Faux Hawks.
093. Height? -- Taller than me
094. Weight? -- average for his height.
Only 94 questions? Wtf? i want more D;<

WARNING! If you spam me, i will return the favor <3
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