I am thMaddHatter, for the record: I am NOT based off of the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Although, yes, I totally bit the name from the story/movie and I do enjoy both.
thMaddHatter is a character of my own design(all like... 8 versions of her... sweatdrop ) Each version of her has their own individual personality and background history, all separate (yet in ways similar) to my own. I may or may not wind up putting some of them into my Journal. So take a peak over there and see if I wrote something.
But as far as my actual personality goes, I'm an explosion of confusing thoughts, pervertedness, sleep, and a ten pound bag of purple glitter.
At first, I'm a little shy and quiet, but once you get to know me... I'm anything but. I'm a storyteller by nature, so once I get going, the only way to get me to stop is with a heavy, blunt object.
I love to learn new languages, draw, mess with my little sister, google random things, daydream, download music and then take weeks to actually bother listening to it, drink tea, design outfits, sleep, make lists and schedules then never refer back to them, write stories, talk, complain that I'm bored, cook, clean the kitchen in a hurry so no one discovers that I destroyed it while attempting to cook, and laugh.
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I'm so obsessed with it as well!