
Asunamii's avatar

Registered: 06/15/2009

Birthday: 06/10

I Used To Be JuggaloCarny

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About Me

Hey Guys! I've pretty excited to be back! PM if you wanna talk, I'm
going to get my Skype up and running again. Hopefully I won't have to make
another one and lose all my contacts! See you guys soon!!!


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Michyeosseo Report | 10/31/2017 6:04 pm
Ugh, so late in getting on and replying.. I hope everything has gone well in the mean time.
Question, outside of Gaia do you use anything else to communicate?
IXo-sakura-oXI Report | 10/10/2017 10:21 pm
well hope you had at aleast fun. yeah i went mia from here again, busy with a lot of stuff XD
and not much to do on here anymore so yeah
S3xy Pantz Report | 09/13/2017 7:21 pm
S3xy Pantz
Need a study buddy?
S3xy Pantz Report | 09/11/2017 5:02 pm
S3xy Pantz
Not so much. What have you been up to?
S3xy Pantz Report | 09/07/2017 4:23 pm
S3xy Pantz
Nope. And even if I could, it costs more to repair than the car is worth.
S3xy Pantz Report | 09/07/2017 3:23 pm
S3xy Pantz
I don't know what I can say that you probably haven't already heard.
My problems are centered around a broken car right now.
S3xy Pantz Report | 09/07/2017 2:52 pm
S3xy Pantz
Trying to keep it together. What's got you down?
S3xy Pantz Report | 08/30/2017 3:36 pm
S3xy Pantz
How are you doing?
IXo-sakura-oXI Report | 06/19/2017 2:01 am
ah, any specific item you are looking for? and not uch mostly work actually or play portal with another friend XD
i have a pretty simple life lmao
IXo-sakura-oXI Report | 06/16/2017 8:45 am
omg such a cute avi and kind of, idk i kind of forgot to get on gaia XD sorry mad
mostly work and i play league mostly now
i should try to get on more often here, do you still play zomg on here?

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