
(I update this every so often, so it would be nice if some one were to read it)

Stage Name: Avon King

Inerests: um...Books...Manga...Novels...Reading... AND Track, Gymnastics, Rock Climbing, playing the Bass AND Reading Books (if you couldn't tell that already)

Music: a wide variety and little specific interest (that is the nice way of saying I don't really listen to music that often, the only thing on my ipod is audiobooks)

Movies: Anything that kicks-a** (especially All the new Marvel Movies)

Books: Do you Really want me to write them all down!? I mean I have read over 300 books since last September (it has been a year) all of them fit on this list. that doesn't include all the Manga I have read on and off line. ( I prefer Fantasy, and HATE Chick Flicks)

Manga: this is an easier list. Right now I am into: Detective Conan (Case Closed), the Big three (no that is not a Manga), Takeru-Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil, Eyeshield 21, FMA (sadly, it just ended), Reborn, and other random series that I go back to every so often. that now includes: Black God, Painting Warriors, and Knights. This list will unfortunately be the same for awhile because OneManga is down. I refuse to go to other sites and what's the point anyway because all the manga that I like are blocked anyway( Changing that, I have found a new website and have resumed my obsession. One Piece just got very epic again. so has Bleach. If you have not read any of these, DIE, come back to life and read them nonstop)

Known Most For: Flipping (for all you gymnasts out there, that was a bad term but if I said that I could do a front tuck step out round off flip flop back tuck reverse direction front tuck no one would know what that is except for you people), Finishing manga in under 15 minutes, Being random, Marvel geek, sports geek, will talk for hours about books, Pole Vault (yes I am that strong, my Friends that are way taller then me hide behind me when trouble arises) ((another note: there are not enough female Pole Vaulters in the world, Join today!)), Final Fantasy Freak ( I don't own all the games, but I know my way around the story plots)

School Interests: I love History, no joke. I am pretty good at math but I am not honors level. I'm just below it. I never know what to expect when I walk into my Latin class. My teacher is a Maniacal Genius. I love IJCL and NJCL. I can't wait until next year.

Something that I have always wanted to do: learn how to do a knights sword play. Go to Comic-con. Bring all my friends from all my different interests together. Travel the World. Go to ACen.

Top Three Things That I love: Books, Pasta, and Chocolate!!!!

~I am the Sword-Swinging Bassist~

~I also answer by the name Dumb Cow~


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/22/2010 6:05 pm


Thank u mrgreen

Report | 08/21/2010 9:01 am


cool avi

Report | 07/27/2010 10:48 am


cool avi

Report | 06/15/2010 3:08 pm


Y arnet u wareing it????

Report | 06/15/2010 1:55 pm


like ur new gift???huh?huh??? Isn't it cool!!!!!!!! But right now i am downstairs because i feel sick to my stomach and i cant sleep

Report | 06/14/2010 9:46 pm


Thank you for purchasing from my store.

Report | 06/14/2010 7:56 pm


woha nice outfit

Report | 12/31/2008 7:07 pm


OMG!!! You got to the rings!!! 8O

Yesss!!! Hahaha! Success! Kufufu!!!

Report | 12/31/2008 4:16 pm


WOOOT~ !!!

Yesss! Finally. TOLD YOU that it gets good!! ^_______^

*sighs* Mukuro... he's so... hawt... and... cool... and... evil o_________O'''

Report | 11/11/2008 5:22 pm


OMG KARA LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im wearing it!!)


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
