
Amani_Rose's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/16

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xDemon~of~Discordx on 11/17/2022
Startchy on 11/09/2020

My name is Holly and I am 17.

I plan on being an Illustrator when I am older, hopefully I won't have to deal with a bunch of Kids stories and s**t.



If you have any questions ask me.

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xDemon~of~Discordx Report | 11/17/2022 5:04 am
DAYUUM_KATELYNN Report | 07/31/2010 5:45 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
The Haus of Bard Report | 03/15/2010 11:59 am
The Haus of Bard
...oh s**t
Sir Wo1fe Report | 03/13/2010 1:15 pm
Sir Wo1fe
Ronin Katsuo Report | 03/13/2010 6:35 am
Ronin Katsuo
hehe wells that good that you didn't =], i got a stomach ache today that made me fall to my knees, it was lame.
Ronin Katsuo Report | 03/13/2010 6:30 am
Ronin Katsuo
didnt get sick from what ;D
Ronin Katsuo Report | 03/13/2010 6:27 am
Ronin Katsuo
so whats up?
Ronin Katsuo Report | 03/13/2010 6:19 am
Ronin Katsuo
hey i can't send PMs my lap tops C O C K blocks it. It even picks up dirty words....
Ronin Katsuo Report | 03/13/2010 6:18 am
Ronin Katsuo
hey, i can't send PMs on my lap top, it c**k blocks them....
The Haus of Bard Report | 03/12/2010 8:12 am
The Haus of Bard

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