I got up here casually following your avi's face via your art arena submition.
You're cute, you look beautiful and pure and freshhhh, and like you're a cool girl x9
Good look with your science stuff! Astronomy rocks!
It's good, I failed my Japanese Exam though with a 59.5%. I'm hoping she rounds it up so maybe I'll have a D-. It was intense and we even learned all the stuff before. D:
And I had a cockroach in my room so I freak out when I have to go to bed now. And midterms are this week so not having enough sleep is killing me.
I can't wait for the week to be over so I can have my fall break >.<
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You're cute, you look beautiful and pure and freshhhh, and like you're a cool girl x9
Good look with your science stuff!
Astronomy rocks!
And I had a cockroach in my room so I freak out when I have to go to bed now. And midterms are this week so not having enough sleep is killing me.
I can't wait for the week to be over so I can have my fall break >.<