
Hey, what's up everyone? welcome to my profile. As you can see the theme is guitars. Well, for those of you that are mentally retarded, yes, I do play guitar. I guess that I should probably tell you about my things that I like/dislike etc.

Things I dislike/disagree with:

1. Emo's
2. Gay people (Oh! You're gay?!? tough crap get out!)
3. Whiners/Democrat's
4. Anime
5. People who want to be Japanese
6. Manga
7. Naruto
8. People who want to go to Japan (there's to many who want to)
9. I ESPECIALLy hate all the fat chicks who are obsessed with Naruto, manga, anime, videogames, drawing anime, and food. And I hate them even more when they want to be Japanese and go to Japan. (that really annoys me. If you apply to any of those you might as well put yourself on my ignored list)
10. people who hate me
11. Stupid people
12. People who try and fight for freedom in a free Country
13. People who think pirates are better than Ninjas
14. Gangsters
15. People, who are really preppy, shop at hollister,American Eagle, Abercrombie etc.(and pride themselves in it) and then listen to rap music and act like Gangsters. A.K.A, posers.
16. Posers
17. Boy bands
19. Bisexuals
20. Public education! (even though I go to public school I have no respect for it, IT SUCK'S, huge waste of tax dollars)
21. People who support Public Education
22. Therapists (well, actually. Therapists more, like, scare me.)
23. Meat heads jocks
24. People who assume I'm fat because I don't like Jocks. I do play sports
25. Getting bad grades
26. School
27. homework
28. People who don't even read this far in my profile
29. My school
30. assholes!
31. Atheists, devil worshipers

My(somewhat shorter)like/agree with list:

2. Guitars
3. republicans
4. people who aren't democrats
5. Rock music
6. Cool clothes
7. smart people
8. Myself
9. my life
10. my musical abilities
11. Chinese food (it's my favorite)
12. Music
13. My profile
14. people who hate emos
15.people who are nice to me
16. Playing music
17. hard workers
18. cool novelty tee shirts
19. People who make fun of anime, manga, Naruto, and fat girls who are all obsessed with being Japanese and going to Japan
20. People who read all of this
21. Religious people
22. The word, Bodacious...

Okay, so that's my list, might give you an idea of what I'm like. (for God's sake it's 53 questions it sure as hell better do that) Make sure you check out, ALL, my media.

Oh yeah, special thanks to Giant Spartan 117 for the HILARIOUS starwaws Robot Chicken video. It's FREAKIN AWESOME!


Viewing 12 of 17 friends


life of a ninja

freakin, Awesome, Ninjas


Viewing 10 of 18 comments.

Enigma Marx

Report | 09/13/2008 11:02 pm

Enigma Marx

Peekaboo my friend. How's things been?

Report | 05/27/2008 6:51 am


hey try this out!send this commet to ten profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold
i itachi-kun i

Report | 05/07/2008 6:39 pm

i itachi-kun i

nice profile hehe = )
Broken Sleeper

Report | 05/03/2008 10:47 am

Broken Sleeper

wow you suck d**k

Report | 05/02/2008 4:54 pm


O.o Guitarrrrssss.

Sweet. xDD

Nice profile.
Ludicrous the music ninja

Report | 04/29/2008 2:47 pm

Ludicrous the music ninja

ok yeah another changet om my profile thats being gay... um, so i dont hate democrats as much as i made it sound (im just republican) and i do hate all the people who are obbsesed with japan (read my dislike lies except, for the cool people who are my friends and like it.... and obake man/ enigma mark (you rock you crazy son of a b**ch!)
Ludicrous the music ninja

Report | 04/28/2008 4:45 pm

Ludicrous the music ninja

hey wat up people, i just looked at my list of things i dont like and things i like, and there are some things i need to change (im just doing it this way because my profiles being gay....) anyway, umm when i said i dont like gangsters, just the poser ones, and when i said i hate green day, i actually like some of their music, i just hate the fagots that make it... thats all.....
Giant Spartan 117

Report | 12/23/2007 7:37 am

Giant Spartan 117

ahhh profile too white ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enigma Marx

Report | 11/07/2007 9:59 am

Enigma Marx

Young master Ludicrous! How have you been of late? I apologise for not being on so often... I've had a lot on my plate. Anyway, just thought I'd check in. Cheers!

Giant Spartan 117

Report | 11/03/2007 10:06 am

Giant Spartan 117

you got a jack bat clip yet