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This is my lover here.lol.This is trent my buddy he is very special to me and I love him with all my heart!
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Name: Amber Denny
Birth date: 8th May 1992
Birthplace: BerklingField, Gremany
Current Location: Rockingham, NC
Eye Color: most of the time brown but they go green
Hair Color: Okay Okay...I confess...my hair is blonde....
Piercing: Ears, and my belly
Tattoos: if I had one...um... a BSB
Candy: M&Ms
Number: 33
Color: Green
Animal: Wolf
Drink: Water
Alcohol Drink: ^_^; I'm turning 15 I don't have one
Bagel: apple and cinnamon
Letter: T
Body Part on Opposite sex: their eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: neither i dont drink soda
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds I'm obsessed >.<
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Hug
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary?Duh
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: 9:00-10:00pm
Most Missed Memory: My best friend Hunter we liked each other a lot and didnt know until we got separated from each other
Best physical feature: Umm?Thighs
First Thought Waking Up: What time is it?
Goal for this year: Accept myself! Dear god I have self esteem problems....
Best Friends: Terry, Sarah, Edo, William, Josh
Weakness: Im ticklish....REALLY ticklish
Fears: Clowns
Heritage: I think I'm Scottish, English, and theres a bit of Irish and German and Indian
Ever Drank: Yes.
Ever Smoked: once or twice
Pot: Never
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: yup...
Ever Skinny Dipped: yep
Favorite Eye Color: Green/Blue
Favorite Hair Color: doesn't matter
Short or Long: Medium
Height: same height or taller
Style: Unique/Anti Prep
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute hot: eh doesn't matter
Drugs or Alcohol: if I had to choose Alcohol, but none
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: too many...
What country do you want to Visit: Germany, Australia
How do you want to Die: without pain
Been to the Mall Lately: I hate shopping so no
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes I love them
Get along with your Parents: so-so
Health Freak: yes....I make sure I'm fit
Do you think your Attractive: No not really
Believe in Yourself: sort of
Want to go to College: Yes.
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you drink: no
Shower Daily: Duh
Been in Love: Yes.
Do you Sing: yes, I am in chorus and I write my own songs
Want to get Married: Yes.
Do you want Children: Yes
Have your future kids names planned out: yes boy is Adam or Brian and girls are Ashley or Jesse
Hate anyone: I wouldn't say I HATE anyone but dislike yes...

Likes: Music, Dogs, Skating (I'm not very good but I still like it) Sports, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Food, Pie, MCDONALDS!, Fun, People with a sense of humor, People who make me smile(trust me I smile at anything its like a disease), Snakes, Lizards, Bugs, Laughing at girls who hate bugs, Laughing at girls who are scared of practically everything, My friends, Backstreet Boys, laughing, RAIN, Green, Hunting

Dislikes: Bananas, the getting People who say they are your friend but talk about you behind your back, Backstabbers, Gossips, girls who think they're better than me, skirts, make up, PINK, when explosions don't explode, being let down,

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Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Yay its all about me!

Poems quizzes and details!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/06/2007 2:51 pm



Report | 01/05/2007 7:15 pm


Ill tell u later

Report | 01/05/2007 1:51 pm


why was it horrible????

Report | 01/05/2007 3:28 am



Report | 01/04/2007 12:55 pm


ill never be gone you just wont see me anymore

Report | 01/04/2007 3:27 am


...Ill miss you more than anyone could ever miss another soul..

Report | 01/03/2007 3:09 pm


goodluck with life amber if you ever need me let me know..

Report | 01/02/2007 5:26 pm


It was horrible and Trent i am too

Report | 01/02/2007 2:13 pm


im glad we got everything fixed amber :]

Report | 01/02/2007 11:51 am


so was your new years good?????


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I love you (T.r.e.n.T) thank you for everything!