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Item List:
Black Dress Boot
Black Street Pants - M
Dead Sexy Blood Bat Cravat
Fox Ears
Fox Tail
Gold Mountain Red Vest And Shirt

Estimated Total: 37,864 Gold, 10,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 07 January 2007)

Whether I am a boy or girl in real life doesn't matter. I'm not telling you which. (If you assume I'm one or the other, I'll tell you now -- you're wrong. X3 How's that for a brain teaser?) I may roleplay as a girl sometimes and sometimes as a boy. Mainly, I prefer the latter route, but every once in a while I get the urge to play the former sex.

I don't see why people get all flustered when someone wants to roleplay a character of the opposite sex. I mean, what's the big deal? As long as they can effectively portray a character, that's enough for me. Am I confusing you? How about you take a moment to clear your head...

Anyway, enough rambling. Allow me to actually introduce myself properly. ^^ I'm [.A]kito [.S]ohma, but you can call me Akito or Akii if it suits. I'm bisexual, and 15 years old. I am in a happy and loving relationship with a certain someone (they know who they are <3). I'm 'literate,' and I love writing. I'm a sophomore in high school and my favorite class this year has been Advanced Choir. My favorite colors are silver and purple and I love to give and receive hugs. ^^

Enough about me. I'd like to know about you now. If you find me interesting enough to send me a PM or leave me a comment, feel free to do so. ^^ Making friends makes me all fluttery inside.

Sick of reading yet? Whether you answer yes or no, I'll stop for now.

Bye bye~
[.A]kito [.S]ohma <3


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


So Lonely At The Top...

The thoughts of the Jyuunishi God.

Akito's journal.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/15/2006 11:22 am


I hope you are faring well Akito. Best wishes to you.

Report | 12/15/2006 11:22 am


Akito-san, I hope you are doing well.

Report | 11/28/2006 4:33 pm


Akito-san! how are you! --smiles sweetly-- ^^
[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Report | 11/15/2006 8:57 am

[.A]kito [.S]ohma

I saw! ^^ Thank you very much. heart

Report | 11/15/2006 6:31 am


Hello! I answered the quiz in yours as well! <3
[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Report | 08/14/2006 3:23 pm

[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Not much, Tohru-chan. What about you?

Report | 08/11/2006 2:09 pm


HEyy buddy! wassup with u?
[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Report | 07/11/2006 5:55 am

[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Me too. I might zip over to your profile just to watch it again. XD Heheheh.
Nyt of the Moon

Report | 07/11/2006 1:21 am

Nyt of the Moon

.: pets :. Aww.. I'm sorry.. It is sad, but I love it to death..
[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Report | 07/08/2006 12:12 pm

[.A]kito [.S]ohma

Thank you kindly. ^^


Watch my multimedia. <3 Akito + Disney song remakes... Hee hee hee...