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My name is Naminé: One of the main characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, Naminé first appeared in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories as the mysterious artist. She also appears in Kingdom Hearts II as guidance for the new character Roxas.




User ImageAhead lies something you hold dear—but to claim it, you must lose something first : The story begins with Sora and his friends going into Castle Oblivion. There, we first see Naminé sketching the castle in her sketchbook. Slowly, but surely Sora and his friends began losing their memories as they wander deeper within the mysterious place hoping to find their lost friends.

As the search continues, fragments of the past seem to start coming back to Sora. He began to remember a blonde girl in his islands. Before Kairi ever came along, it was just himself, her, and Riku. She was a great artist as far as he remembered. When Kairi did come along, she soon left the islands, never hearing from hear again.

User ImageUpon reaching the seventh floor, Sora and co. see a girl organization member. No.12, Larxene. She begins to taunt Sora about the girl he just can't seem to remember. Larxene begins to tell him she is being held captive within the castle causing Sora to be enraged. Sora tries to say her name, but it doesn't come back to him. Larxene begins to give him hints until her name is finally remembered.

As the name comes back to him, Larxene strikes Sora causing yellow star-shaped charm to fall to the ground. Then it hits Sora; Naminé was the one who gave that to him. Larxene attempts to smash it, but Sora attacks and yells, telling her to not touch it.

Sora becomes angry at the fact that one of the antagonists keeping her helped him remember her name. She was just too precious to him for that to happen. After Larxene had finished her fight with Sora she soon leaves Sora and his friends.

Sora now has forgotten about his pursuit for Riku and now searches relentlessly in the castle for Naminé. Soon enough though, the gang finds Riku. Riku becomes angry at the fact that Sora is only searching for her, but Sora tells him that he was searching for him too. Riku tells Sora that Naminé is sick of him and that was the whole reason she left the islands. He also tells Sora to just go away and that he'll be the one to protect Naminé. Sora is shocked by what Riku tells him and soon enough the two commence in a fight. After the battle Riku runs off leaving Sora behind calling him out. Now Sora tells himself that he'll save both Riku and Naminé.

Throughout the castle we see many scenes with Naminé drawing and during that time Sora begins to remember more and more about her; not even paying attention to what he is slowly forgetting.

User Image Upon reaching the eleventh floor, Sora & co. come across Twilight Town. The memories rush back once more and he remembers a childhood promise he made with her. One night during a meteor shower, Sora and Naminé were watching it together. She says "What if a shooting star hits the island?" So Sora tells her "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll hit it right back into outer space!" That was the time when she gave him her good-luck charm. She told him that she had it since she was a baby. Afterwards he told her he would keep her safe no matter what.

After the events of Twilight Town, the group comes across Riku once more. Sora tells Riku that the one controlling him, Vexen, is now gone since they finally defeated him. But Riku disagrees. He is doing this of his own will, of his own promise to Naminé at the beach during the night of the meteor shower. Sora becomes confused, and Riku proves it to him by pulling out the charm that Naminé had given him. Sora tells him that he made that promise with Naminé and pulls out his charm. The two fight once more, and afterwards Riku runs off again.

Even after the whole Riku event of having the same charm, Sora continues on his search for Naminé, to the point of even abandoning his other friends by going on his own. In another room, we see Naminé sitting down on a chair with a sad look on her face. As soon as Marluxia and Larxene leave, she begins to speak to herself...

"Sora... Even if you come for me—what then?"



User ImageThere's no one here to stop you. Do it right: Sora and his pursuit for Naminé slowly began to blind him from the truth. He is now on the twelfth floor without Donald or Goofy. Far deeper within the castle, Axel is keeping close watch on Naminé.

There Axel tells her that she should try to stop what she has begun, but she tells him it's too late. That's when Axel says that Marluxia isn't there, and convinces her to do what's right. She nods at Axels words and runs off to right her wrongs.

Soon afterwards upon reaching Sora in Destiny Islands, another Naminé is already with him. Sora becomes confused on what's happening, but the real Naminé begins to tell of the truth. She was not supposed to be there, it was supposed to be another girl; a girl he had long forgotten upon entering the castle.

Sora: "We were inseparable! But then I lost you... I came here so I'd never lose you again!"
Naminé: "Was it really me you came for?"
Sora: "Of course it was! I may have forgotten things in this castle, but not you! Look! You gave me this, didn't you?"
Naminé: "You still have it! My good luck charm..."
Naminé: "No, Sora! Don't believe me!"
Sora: "What am I supposed to do..."
Naminé: "Think, Sora. Think of the person who's most special to you. See that faint glimmer way in the back of your heart? That's a piece of your memory, Sora. Call out to it! No matter how far away the light gets, your heart's voice will always reach it."

User Image After seeing Naminé, Sora's charm begins to change back to the Oathkeeper charm. He finally reaches the thirteen floor only to find Naminé. Sora now knows who's the one that's truly important to him, but he just can't seem to remember her name. As Naminé was about to tell him what was going on, Riku cuts in leading into a fight. As Riku was about to strike again Naminé tells him to stop, but he just continues. Naminé then yells, "I said, STOP!" A white flash appears and Riku suddenly stops falling onto the ground. Sora begins to panic and demands an answer from Naminé, but another interruption comes in.

Larxene comes in and says, "She broke his heart. More like smashed it, really." She tells Sora that he doesn't need to worry, because the Riku was a fake, a replica made by Vexen, another Organization member.

Larxene: "Fake in every way. It was only finished recently. And without any past, how could it remember anything? Its memories with Naminé were planted, not real. All this time it's been picking fights with you over bogus memories. Isn't that right Naminé? Behind that cute little face you do some awful things."
Sora: "No...not Naminé."
Larxene: "You are so STUPID. Don't you get it? Messing with people's memories is about all she's good at. She steps into people's hearts and rearranges their memory. If she wants, she can even draw new memories of things that never happened. The girl you've been dying to protect...is a manipulative witch who shackles people's hearts with phony memories!"
Sora: "Then my memories... Everything I remember...it's..."
Larxene: "Lies, lies. All lies! An illusion Naminé made."
Naminé was the one who manipulated his memories. She was never loved, and never in anyone's heart until she re-arranged Sora's memories. Angered, Sora defeats Larxene once and for all. Naminé begins to apologize and tells him that Marluxia and the others had threatened her to do it all. She had been alone for so long that she did exactly what she was told to do. He tells her it's alright and he still did promise her that he'd protect her no matter what. Naminé smiles and Sora goes off to find Marluxia.

User Image Soon after, Marluxia sees that Sora had left Naminé alone and takes her as his hostage. When Sora & co. finally do see Marluxia, they see him with Naminé. Marluxia orders Naminé to crush what's left of Sora's heart, but she refuses. Sora had forgiven her for everything she had done and she would never even think of doing anything like that. Marluxia continues to tell Sora that if Naminé destroys his memories he'll be exactly like Riku. Riku comes back and strikes Marluxia. He tells him that even if he was just a fake, he had nothing to begin with. Soon Sora fights and defeats Marluxia, but they know he isn't gone yet. As Sora continue onto the next room, Naminé tells Sora she can fix his memories but they must defeat Marluxia in order to get to the other side of the thirteenth floor. Sora and co. soon proceed through the next door. He finally defeats Marluxia once and for all.



User Image fading memories...reconstructed memories...and a dream - a dream of you in a world without you: After the defeat of Marluxia, Riku Replica tells Sora and Naminé that they are all he has left. Goofy asks Naminé if she can still fix Riku's memories. But she tells him it doesn't work that way. Riku Replica says it's okay and leaves. Afterwards Naminé tells Sora she will definately fix his heart; but he has to choose: Give up his past memories and stay with her, or go back to his old self. Sora is unsure at first, but he tells her that he'd like to go back to the way he was. Though Naminé is a little sad for losing the first friend she ever made, she assures him that she will put everything back to the way he remembered it.

Naminé: "I'm sorry. It's the only way. You have to choose, Sora. You can lose your memories of this castle and reclaim your old memories...or keep your memories here and give up the memories that you've lost."
Sora: "I have to choose?"
Naminé: "Yes."
Sora: "Put me back the way I was."
Naminé: "Okay, I understand! Who needs false memories, right? Especially when you have real memories of people who are really important to you. Anyone would say the same."

User Image Naminé tells them they must sleep inside the flower-shaped pods to restore their memories. Donald and Goofy soon go off into their own memory pods and Naminé stays behind with Sora standing on his own. Despite the fact that everything was a lie, Naminé tells Sora she was glad she met him. He smiles and tells her the same. After re-arranging his memories back to the way it used to be, Sora will soon forget Naminé, but Sora says it's not goodbye. He promises her that next time they meet they'll be friends for sure. As Sora starts to remember, he turns to see Naminé fading. A tear rolls down her cheek and she smiles telling him that even though he forgets, she will keep that promise to come back to him one day.

Naminé: "Don't worry. You'll forget me...but we have our promise, so I can come back to you."
Sora: "A promise is a promise."
Naminé: "i]One day it'll be our light, the light that brings us together. I'll be in your heart until that time comes."
Sora: "I know. Forgotten, but not lost."



User Image Walking this road, without you... To remake forgotten promises and meet you at roads end: Like Sora, Riku traveled through Castle Oblivion, but instead he must fight his way to the top of the basement floors. Though he had been freed from the darkness, it still lingers within him. Now Riku must find a way to defeat this darkness, Ansem, once and for all.

Throughout his journey he finally reaches Destiny Islands. Riku smiles in hopes of meeting his friends, but instead everything is slipping away. Riku continues searching the islands and finally finds Kairi, but she disappears like the rest. Riku breaks down in confusion and Zexion, No. 6 of the Organization appears to him again. Zexion tells him he was the one who threw away everything; his islands, his friends... Soon Sora appears in front of him and swings the Keyblade at Riku. Riku tries to tell Sora it's him, but Sora just scowls and tells him off by attacking him again.

Riku: "I'm...fading... Consumed by the light..."
Kairi: "You won't fade. You can't fade. No power can defeat you — not the light, not the dark. So don't run from the light — and don't fear the darkness. Both will make you stronger.
User Image A light engulfs Riku and he sees Kairi. She tells him that he won't fade. The darkness is his power too. Riku accepts this and calls onto his dark side and awakens. The vision of Sora soon fades to reveal Zexion as the imposter. Riku strikes him but Zexion gets away leaving Riku to travel his way to the top once more.

After traveling and reminiscing through his dark past, Riku finally reaches Twilight Town. Unlike the other places, he doesn't ever remember coming here. A small confrontation with Ansem happens again, and soon enough DiZ was the one disguised as him. DiZ tells him to meet a girl named Naminé then choose, darkness or light? Soon after DiZ disappears leaving a confused Riku.

He travels around the town wondering where to find her but instead finds his double once more. The two fight once and for all leaving the real Riku victorious. Riku travels on and finally comes across a room. There he sees Naminé watching over Sora and his friends.

Riku: "You're Naminé?"
Naminé: "Yes."
Riku: "So...that was you."
Naminé: "Huh?"
Riku: "Nothing, never mind."

User Image Naminé continues on and shows Riku, Sora. Riku is surprised to see his best friend there in the flower like contraption and asks Naminé to tell him everything. She explains the whole truth about his memories and what she did. Naminé tells him that Sora made a decision to keep his old memories and now Riku must choose too. She tells him that she can lock away the darkness and memories of it for good, but he tells her no. He'll make his darkness show him the way.

Naminé: "But if the darkness he wields gets the better of you..."
Riku: "I'll make that darkness show me the way."
Naminé: "That's true."
Riku: "Why do I get the feeling you knew I'd say that?"
Naminé: "I didn't know. I hoped. I want you to face the darkness, because you're the one who can."
Riku: "So that's why you came to me in the light. As Kairi."
Naminé: "You knew?!"
Riku: "I knew as soon as I met you. Somehow you...smell the same. Look after Sora."

Riku soon walks away leaving it up to Naminé to take care of Sora and goes to the last floor to fight Ansem for the last time.




User Image I want to line the pieces up--yours and mine: The story of Kingdom Hearts II begins with a boy named, Roxas. Strange events begin to happen in his town, but it all seems to revolve around him. On the third day, he has another dream like so many nights before. Before awakening, he sees a girl in his dream. She wears a simple white dress and she seems to have light radiating off of her. Roxas asks who she is, but all she does is smile back at him. Roxas wakes up only to find himself back at his bedroom, he senses some one else being there *cough*Naminé*cough*, but assumes it was nothing as he goes off to meet with his friends. As he walks off towards Market Street, he sees two of his friends, but times suddenly stops. Shocked, he tries to run up to his friends, only to find Naminé suddenly appear infront of him.

Naminé: "Hello, Roxas."
Roxas: "Uh... Hi... And you are...?"
Naminé: "I wanted to meet you at least once."
Roxas: "Me?"
Naminé: "Yes, you."

User Image Unlike the many times he where he felt threatened by the mysterious occurrences, he just stand there and pauses to stare at the girl who seemed to be looking at her other surroundings. Roxas tries to ask for her name, but she puts a hand in front of him to stop speaking. She smiles and says she had always wanted to meet him. Baffled and embarrassed, he scratches the back of his head as she gracefully walks away. When time unfreezes, Roxas still continues to be in a trance upon meeting her until his friends snap him out of it. He ignores them and tries to follow her. He assumes that she was heading towards the mansion and goes towards that direction only to find strange enemies trying to take him away and he makes a run for it.

As soon as he runs towards the open lot he tries to fight them off, but the struggle bat is no use. Suddenly, a voice calls from above the buildings. He looks up to find Naminé calling out to him, telling him to use the Keyblade, but it was to late and he tries to block the attack from the enemies.

Suddenly, he finds himself on top of a stained glass floor. He fights through the many enemies. After defeating the Twilight Thorn, be is suddenly being engulfed within the darkness, but Naminé's hand reaches out save him. He again finds himself in a strange white room and sees Naminé sitting on top of a elevated platform. She puts a finger over her mouth to signal that he shouldn't speak. She tells him of her name, then asks him, "Roxas, do you remember your true name?" Confused, a man in a black cloak appears and stops Naminé from saying anymore and takes Roxas away by pushing him into a portal to go back to his world.



User Image Don't you want to know the truth about who you really are?: Roxas and his friends had just finished searching through the residential district for the seven mysteries, but there was one mystery left to investigate. Roxas suggests they go search for it, but one of his friends, Hayner, gets upset and walks away. His other friend, Pence, tells him that is it at the old mansion. Roxas runs off and goes there to investigate.

Pence follows Roxas, and Roxas asks him what they are looking for. He tells Roxas that they say that there is a girl that appears in the second floor window, even though no one has lived there for years. Roxas looks up to see Naminé at the window. Suddenly he goes into a trance.

There he sees himself in the white room looking at the many drawings and sketches scattered everywhere. As he looks around, Naminé explains everything to him. She tells him that he and Sora are connected and that Sora needs him. When the two finally sit down, he finally asks Naminé: Just who was she?

She tells him in a sad tone, that she is witch. A witch with power over Sora's memories and those around him. Roxas looks at her confused at the fact at what she is. She tells him that that's what DiZ calls her. Naminé tells him that she doesn't even know why she has this power and what she should even do with it. Roxas smirks and tells her that he can't help her (in a friendly joking tone of course).

User Image Roxas began to question himself, and asks Naminé one more question, what did she know that he didn't? She begins to avert his gaze knowing that a hurt expression that he would soon reflect on his face. She looks up and tells him that he was never supposed to exist. Just like what she had predicted, in a hurt voice, he manages to say, "What...? How could you even say such a thing...even if it were true?" She looks away once more and apologizes.

Roxas finally snaps out of the trance with the help of Pence shaking his shoulder. Pence asks if he really did see something and Roxas points toward the window where Naminé was, but she disappears. Pence frowns thinking nothing was really there and he and Roxas soon walk away back to the Usual Spot.



User Image Nobodies like us are only half a person. You won't disappear. You'll be whole!: During the Sixth day, Roxas had enough. Everything he once had vanished from him. A voice tells him to go to the mansion, and knowing he had no where to go, he runs towards that direction. When he finally reaches it, he goes straight towards the White Room. He takes a closer look at the sketches that Naminé had drawn of him and gets another vision. After the flashback, he notices Naminé's presence and begins to speak. He says that the Organization is an evil group, but Naminé says she's not sure, they just want to be whole.

He tries to ask Naminé another question, like he always does and asks about what will truly happen to him once he goes back to Sora. As she tried to speak, her virtual form begins to pixelize and DiZ appears. The man in the black cloak also appears along with Naminé who made her own portal to get there.

Naminé: "Roxas! We will meet again. And then we can talk about everything. I may not know it's you, and you may not know it's me. But we will meet again. Someday soon. I promise!"
Roxas: "Let her go! Naminé!"
She tries her hardest to tell Roxas that he will become whole, but Diz interrupts once more. DiZ tries to take Naminé away, but she struggles through and promises Roxas that one, someday, they will meet again. Roxas attempts to run and save her, but the hooded man gets in the way, and the three disappear, leaving Roxas in the room alone.



User Image Naminé... There you are: Naminé appears again at the World That Never Was. Kairi is locked deep inside the castle and she tries to find a way out along with Pluto. Soon enough Naminé opens a portal and convinces the slightly hesitant Kairi to believe in "herself" as they make their escape.

Naminé: "This way!"
Kairi: "Who---?"
Naminé: "Believe in yourself. C'mon, hurry!"
Upon escaping, the two try to make a run for it, but Saix blocks their path. A man that is none other than Riku in disguise comes to to the rescue. As Kairi confronts Riku, we don't seem to hear about Naminé anymore.



User Image See? We meet again, like we promised: At the ending, Sora, Riku, and the others have defeated Xemnas. They try to find a way home, and suddenly Naminé appears making a portal to go home. Though King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy didn't see her, Sora and the rest did.

Sora and Kairi go up to her and thank her. Naminé though, goes up to Sora. Somewhere inside, Naminé was able to see Roxas. She smiles and says they kept their promise together. Roxas then steps out of Sora and smiles for fulfilling their promise.

User Image Naminé tells him that she always thought Nobodies like themselves were doomed to fade back into darkness, and that they may not recognize each other when they see each other again. Roxas though, said he knew it was her though; he says they saw each other the way they remembered each other and met each other in their original selves. Naminé smiles again and says they can be together again. Roxas nods and walks to her side saying as long as Sora and Kairi are together, so can they.

Roxas & Naminé soon merge back with Sora & Kairi completely. Kairi walks over to the portal and walks in, but as Sora and Riku were about to, one last battle ensues. They defeat Xemnas at last and finally go home. When looked up to smile at Kairi who smiled back, somewhere within them, Roxas and Naminé were able to recgonize each other, and they exchange smiles as well.




User ImageName: Naminé.
Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 357/2 days.
Gender: Female.
Age: 14 (CoM)/15 (KH2) [in appearance].
Hair: Golden Blonde.
Eyes: Electric Blue.
Special Items: Sketchbook & Pencil Crayons.
Seiyuu: Brittany Snow (English), Iku Nakahara (Japanese).

Official Kingdom Heats: Chain of Memories (Sora):
A young witch who, under olders from Marluxia, rewrote much of Sora's memory. Because Namine's based the false memories on Sora's feelings towards Kairi, Sora believed he and Namine had been friends since childhood. But truth be told, the two had never met before Castle Oblivion.

Official Kingdom Heats: Chain of Memories (Riku):
A young witch who can manipulate memories. Under orders from the Organization, Naminé shadowed Kairi and altered Sora's memory. But the forgiveness in Sora's heart moved herto disobey those orders. Now she watches over Sora until the reconstruction of his memories is complete.

Jiminy's Journal (Kingdom Hearts II):
A girl with the power to manipulate memories. She seems to have some strong connection with Sora.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Manga by Shiro Amano)
A mysterious girl who is quietly drawing pictures alone in one of the castle rooms.



User Image Nobodies can't be somebodies: Behind that artistic exterior, Naminé is totally diffrent from how she is today. During the time they introduced her we see that she is lonely, soft spoken, and very pessimistic. Even when Sora tries to help her smile, she still sees the bad side of the situation, saying that Marluxia is too strong. Though Naminé does have a strong sense of right and wrong, she was what you could call, a "push over." Every command Marluxia and Larxene told her to do, she did them. She never wanted to, but they kept threatening her.

After meeting Sora and having a friend for the first time, her confidence grew and she finally stood up for herself. Naminé could finally stand up for herself, and she had the confidence she needed in order to right her wrongs.

During Kingdom Hearts II, she becomes very up front and smiles a lot more. She even goes against DiZ's orders just to tell Roxas the truth. But even after these dramatic changes, she still slightly pessimistic about the world. She is a Nobody, meaning she is not a whole person. Naminé is missing a part of her and wants to be complete. She thinks though that when you merge back to your other half, you would cease to exist and fade back to the darkness. After finding out though that she and Roxas can be whole and still stay together even if they can't have their own bodies, she was happy. Naminé isn't the most perfect person, but everyone does have their faults every now and then.



User Image Savior? You'd think that's the last word you would ever think of to describe Naminé, but that's not the case. She's out there and about saving the people that are very dear to Sora. Why you might ask?

Naminé, like Kairi would have a pure heart if she had one since she is her nobody; but after what she had done to Sora in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, she felt as if she needed to repent for those sins. Time and time again after the incident with Sora, she saves more and more people by either helping them find the light or freeing them from a dungeon.

Sora was the first one she had helped. She fixed his memories putting everything back to normal. Riku had been next after his fight with Zexion in Reverse/Rebirth when Riku was lost in the darkness. She disguised herself as Kairi and told Riku to follow the light instead of the darkness that had disguised itself as the light. Naminé helped him figure out the path he had needed to follow. Even the six days with Roxas. She was the one helping him solve the truth about his past, and the time when Kairi was trapped by the Organization. Naminé was the one who helped her escape.

Though she doesn't fight to save the people in trouble, she is still there for them every step of the way.



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Naminé's name was derived after nami, a Japanese word meaning ocean wave. This is probably a reference to Kairi's name which means ocean or sea in kanji.

The connection between Naminé and Kairi is very deep seeing how Kairi's nobody is Naminé. That is probably how her name came to be. A wave is just a part of the ocean, just like how Naminé is just a part of Kairi. In the end waves just disappear back into the ocean, just like Naminé's destiny to merge back with Kairi's being and becoming whole again.



no bod y [no-bod-i]
pronoun 1. no person; not anyone; no one: Nobody answered the phone.
noun 2. a person of no importance, influence, or power.

User Image This is what the universal definition is of a nobody, but that's not what Kingdom Hearts defines them as. If a person with a strong heart becomes a heartless, a Nobody is born. A Nobody is an empty shell that has no heart, but can feel through their memories of their past life. They are only half a person.

Sadly, this is what Naminé is. Though Kairi--her other half-- did not become a heartless from the purity in her heart, it created something new. A special Nobody, with unusual powers. Instead of being able to control an element, she has no fighting instincts. All Naminé can do is control the memories of the Keyblade master. These unique powers is what drew the Organization into capturing her.

Even though Nobodies can't truly feel emotions, that doesn't mean they don't remember how too. Naminé can still love, feel angry, loneliness, and so forth.




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Naminé has the power to control the memories of Sora and those around him. This is because when Kairi's heart resided within Sora's she also got to see the memories within causing a Nobody with a different power.

Naminé is a special Nobody because Kairi is a Princess of Heart. There was no darkness with her, making a unique nobody when her heart was taken away. Since Kairi's heart went back to her, Naminé has no memory of her past life as a somebody. She draws constantly because she wants to have memories.



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If you're wondering how Naminé adds links to ones memories well, she uses her sketchbook.

Many call her an artist because she constantly draws in her sketchbook. The sketches she makes are usually the new memory links that she would add to one's heart making you believe that the certain event she's made actually happened.

Since she can only control Sora's memories and those around him, just taking apart Sora's own, will lead to unchaining his own friends' memories. She cannot destroy your memories, she can only unchain the links and re-arrange them. The remaining pieces that she took out will sink into the darkness of your heart, but that doesn't mean you can't retrieve them again.

Naminé is proclaimed a witch because that is what DiZ calls her. She has unusual powers to manipulate memories, and even objects that revolve around Sora's most important memories.



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Naminé's outfit consists of a simple white dress with a lace embroidery at the bottom hem. Her dress goes a few inches above her knees and it has straps that are about an inch in width. She also wears light colored cerulean blue sandals with little yellow flowers attached. For her hair she puts a piece of it in the front, draping it over her shoulder while she lets the rest fall back, with a piece tucked behind her ear. Overall, Naminé is a very simplistic girl.




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Naminé's clothes are the color white, this could be because she is a nobody and their main color is this silverish white, but it could also mean that she is pure, like her other half. Since Kairi was a pure hearted person with no darkness whatsoever, Naminé also has this characteristic. She cannot do wrong because that is not in her nature. White is also not a true color like black. They are just shades for the true colors. This is just like Naminé. She is only half a person. This meaning can also apply to the White Room that she frequently is seen at.

Good Luck Charm

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This was only introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Naminé manipulated Sora's Oathkeeper charm and changed it into this new one. It made him believe that Naminé was his childhood friend and that she had that ever since birth and was given to him. Even if this wasn't a big item in the rest of the Kingdom Hearts series, it was in the shape of a star, like so many other items in the game. It's shaped particularly that way because stars are far away, but you can still see them like a reminder.

Caged Naminé Doll

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Though they only showed this doll once in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories as an introduction to Naminé, it still has its significant meaning. The doll looks exactly like Naminé, and is placed inside a bird's cage. It is a great representation at the time when she was imprisoned by Organization XIII. It shows that she was also like a doll; fragile, yet imprisoned like this doll. She also has wings attached to the doll; as if it represents a locked bird.




User ImageSora is one of the deepest relationships Naminé has with anyone other than Roxas. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora is constantly trying to find her and save her. But before the Castle Oblivion, Sora did not know of Naminé or her existence.

The game of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories starts out with Sora journeying once more to find Riku and the King with Donald and Goofy, but instead finds a mysterious castle named, Castle Oblivion. A mysterious man (Marluxia) in the beginning told Sora that he would begin to lose something precious, but he would gain something else in return. Sora's first thought that comes to mind is Riku, so he enters the castle without hesitation. As the journeyed farther within the castle they find out they are losing bits memories, but Sora gained another one. It was of a blonde girl that hanged out with himself, Riku, and Kairi.

As Sora journeys through the castle, he remembers more. Like how she always drew when they were on the beach and how he and Riku fought over who gets his picture drawn next. After Halloween Town, another Organization member approaches him. Her name is Larxene, number XII. Before the battle, she strikes at Sora and a star-shaped charm falls out, and Sora soon remembers who gave it to him.

Even if the memories were fake, he had strong feelings for Naminé, seeing that she replaced Kairi with herself. In the end Sora saves Naminé from the grasp of the Organization members within the castle even knowing what she had done to him. Sora cared about Naminé and made a promise with each other. She watches over him as she soon fixes up the memories he had forgotten.

It seems even though they have become good friends, Naminé knew he would soon forget about her even though they made a promise to be friends in the real world. In Kingdom Hearts II, they meet once again, but Naminé doesn't seem interested or even notices Sora being there and approaches Roxas who was within him. Sora and Naminé became good friends, but it unlikely they will see each other once more now that she has fused back with Kairi.



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Under construction.



Kairi’s connection with Naminé is the most essential in her role, seeing how she is the origin of Naminé's existence. She is where Naminé originated from when Kairi’s heart was taken away by the heartless. Naminé and Kairi are one and the same because she is Kairi’s other half, her nobody. When your heart is taken away, you turn into a heartless, but for a princess of heart you still attain your original body. This is what happened to Kairi that is why Naminé’s powers are different compared to the rest of the Organization XII.

The only in-game interaction these two actually have is at the last world of Kingdom Hearts II, The World That Never Was. When Kairi was locked up in the castle by Saïx, Naminé frees her from the prison. Kairi was soon reunited with Riku, and we don’t hear anything about Naminé again until At the Alter of Naught near the ending of the game. This was when Naminé merged with Kairi, before the merge back into one, Kairi thanks Naminé for all that shes done, Naminé smiles and than Kairi holds her hand out, and Naminé takes it, making the two of them whole.



Riku and Naminé go back since Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Unlike Sora who had his memories being erased, Riku still had the darkness lurking within him. The silver haired boy first hears about Naminé when he visited Twilight Town. DiZ tells him to go see her, so he tries to climb higher beyond the castle basement to find her.

His first interaction with Naminé was actually when Zexion tried to destroy Riku, but instead of just choosing light, Kairi (who was actually Naminé transformed into Kairi) tells him that darkness and light is what makes Riku strong, so he should choose both powers. This made Riku stronger.

When Riku finally reached the floor where Naminé resided, she asked him a question. It was about whether he’d choose to lock away his darkness or keep it. In the end Riku keeps the darkness and will try his hardest to fight away Ansem. His last words to her were to take care of Sora seeing how he was in the pod.

In Kingdom Hearts II, Riku and Naminé seem to have befriended each other, but Riku sides with DiZ knowing if she told the truth to Roxas about his origin, it would ruin DiZ's plan. At the ending, they don't interact at all but when she finished fusing with Kairi along with Roxas to Sora, Riku tells them they're still the same, and they're now all complete.



User Image Just like Naminé, all thirteen members are nobodies. It is unknown how the Organization met and captured Naminé, but she does have a strong link with them. Naminé doesn't have any direct contact with all of them, but they still do know she exists seeing how she was probably an important tool for their plans. No one really acknowledges her, because her powers are not for actual combat and she has a very timid nature in the beginning.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, we see her come in contact with three of the members; Axel, Larxene, and Marluxia. Like the other members, none of them seem to actually see her as an actual threat. It is assumed that the Superior, Xemnas, gave Marluxia the task of the castle and Naminé since Marluxia himself did state it in one of the various scenes. Marluxia took this as an advantage to pursue his plan of taking over the Organization and controlling Sora. Naminé seemed to have spent most of her time with Larxene, the only girl member. She is just like Marluxia and sees her as a lower being, but Axel is the only one who actually went out and freed Naminé from Marluxia. Axel doesn’t really hold any positive or negative feelings towards her, but he probably freed her for the sake of his loyalty to the Organization XIII, or possibly it had something to do with Roxas.

In Kingdom Hearts II, another encounter with the Organization XIII is Saïx. Saïx wasn’t a really big impact on Naminé, but of course he was angry at her for freeing Kairi from her prison. Naminé wasn’t really considered a member of the organization, even though she was a nobody like the rest of them. This was probably because she has no fighting instincts like the rest. She never knew if they were truly evil or good, all she knew was that they wanted to be whole again, just like herself, and for that, she doesn't seem to hold a grudge against them.



User Image Though Riku Replica was a fake, he cared deeply for Naminé. His memories of her though were a fake; implanted by Naminé under the orders of Marluxia.

With Riku Replica in play, the organization could lead Sora deeper within the castle. But with Riku having those memories, it lead to many problems with Sora. The two saw each other as rivals for Naminé attention and even self-proclaimed protectors for her. Every time the two saw each other they fought over the fake memories that were slowly taking them over.

At the twelfth-thirteenth floor interlude, Naminé was about to tell Sora the whole truth but Riku cuts in saying Sora's memory is just a trainreck and a fake. When Riku was about to finish Sora off, Naminé begs him to stop, but he doesn't listen. Right at the exact moment he was about to attack, Naminé yelled at him to stop, all the way to the point that she had to smash his heart as Larxene stated.

At the time when Marluxia took Naminé as a hostage in the last floor, Riku Replica comes back and attacks Marluxia freeing Naminé. Though his memories were a fake, he still felt that he had a duty to protect Naminé because it was his promise to her.



User Image DiZ is the one who learned of Naminé’s origins and the actual capabilities of her powers. The first time these two meet is in Castle Oblivion where DiZ confronts Naminé about Sora who was still in the pod. He convinces her that it is much safer to take Sora and his companions to Twilight Town, where DiZ is keeping watch over Roxas in his simulated town.

Along with Naminé and DiZ, is Ansem/Riku who helps watch over Sora and monitors his progress through a process of a year. DiZ doesn’t seem to look highly on Naminé, along with any other nobody because they weren’t supposed to exist. Through Naminé’s conversations with Roxas, it is evident that DiZ is the one who gave her the name of a witch, because of her unusual powers. Clearly, this shows that he doesn’t have any respect for Naminé at all.



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Viewing 12 of 12 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Luke x Young x Apprentice

Report | 06/10/2009 9:57 pm

Luke x Young x Apprentice

Oh, Naminé. Hello. (: I'm Lacy. Would you mind adding me as a friend? I'd appreciate it so.
Radiant Namine

Report | 04/22/2009 10:42 am

Radiant Namine

Becca ;~; I'm so sorry. Drama is the reason. drama D:
Radiant Namine

Report | 03/31/2009 10:55 am

Radiant Namine

User Image
Colour the world. ♥

I'm fine! 8] working on youtube videos. You?

Because when you do,
everything will fall into place. ♫

• • ♥
Radiant Namine

Report | 03/31/2009 8:04 am

Radiant Namine

User Image
Colour the world. ♥

I forgot what we were talking about on this account. DD:

Because when you do,
everything will fall into place. ♫

• • ♥
Pickpocket Rikku

Report | 03/29/2009 9:47 pm

Pickpocket Rikku

User Image
spunky—spunky—al bhed—al bhed.
No problem-ooo. ;] Yeah, I'm sure we all have. :3
Oh yeah, biking would be easier than anything... I miss being able to use my bike! GC has too many hills. neutral It makes things too hard. xD
Well I'm sure her parents understand that! I'm still a little awkward around some of my friends parents... but it's easy if I use my humour on them! (; heh.
Zomggg. <3333 Sun showers... I miss those. GC is always friggen' cloudy though. D: I mean, it's not uber ugly or anything... just kind of... depressing.
Well, I'm not too found of the tootsie rolls... but oh well. xD Those are still good. Maybe I'll introduce them to my friends. >> But I'll be sure to mention that you created them. x'D
UGH. I FORGOT. Your birthday is before mine! Dx Darn it! I have to wait till JULY to be more mature. stare
Awh, that's too bad. :C Why don't you two celebrate your birthday later, then? Me and my friends are having a party during spring break to celebrate Dean's, Megan's and Russel's birthdays all at once.
Makes things easier. x'D We'll just have a giant sleep-over together. :3 Hehehe~
Oh?! How's piano going? I didn't know you were in piano! My group is very musical... I feel left out, not knowing how to play an instrument. > 3<
That's a really good plan! I haven't seen most of Canada, which is kind of depressing. I'd actually like to do that myself. :]
WELL. MAYBE SUICIDE WILL CONVINCE THE WEATHER TO CHANGE. U;< My friends blame me for the awful weather, actually. xD It's a long story, though.
Chyeah right. :/ Give up on talking to you? Give me a break. xD Give me a... Kit-Kat bar. ninja
Yeah, we're all not too different. n_n I usually forget our ages when we're all together. But they're reminded everytime they look at me... because I'm short compared to them. -_-
Just out of no where, they'll say suddenly "Aisla, you're really short." and I'll swear at them, then tell them to "Shut the ******** up! I'm freakin' slouching." xD But I swear to god, my friends are GIANTS. The guys, anyways.
I know, it's a weird feeling, isn't it? Recalling something so... unreal. Oh well, I know it's there. ;D Well, I don't really want to say it over comments. > 3>
Would you mind PMs? ;P
Nah, it's cool! I can handle your comments. x3 I have the time! Afterall, I'm on spring break. cool
Pickpocket Rikku

Report | 03/29/2009 2:02 pm

Pickpocket Rikku

Oops. x'DDD the "-beats self with keyboard-" is from your comment. I just copied your comment and pasted it into a box. Then I just replied back to it by backspacing over it, but I guess I forgot to erase that of yours. c: SO YEAH.
Pickpocket Rikku

Report | 03/29/2009 1:59 pm

Pickpocket Rikku

It's kay!~ Don't stress about it. :] It's no big deal. I'll just reply to the comment you left on my Yunie account.
You're very welcomeee. I'll be off and on still, but more active than before. xD I just need to escape reality for a little while. > 3> Awh, only a month? Well, that's better than only getting to see each other once every 2 years! :3 I'm kinda glad my old friends don't live close to here. It gives me an excuse to travel when they live far away. xD Plus it's a change of enviornment. A lot of my childhood friends are in Penticton, BC, so that means beaches! If they lived closer to GC, ********... -_- We'd always be stuck in the rain. stare XD WOW! Candy sushi?! That's a sweet idea! When are you going to hang out with her again? Maybe you guys should make more plans if you miss her that much. ^^ Yeah, I know. GC weather totally tanks. neutral And there's ice everywhere! It's hell walking to school for me. I already cut open my knees and elbows from falling so much. That ice is DANGEROUS! D: And sharp eek . Ooooh, GC is Grande Cache. (: It's close to Jasper, Grande Prairie (GP) and Edmonton (E-town). x3 GC is a little town in the rocky mountains, where it always rains and gets windy. *Shoots self* TT _ TT -beats self with keyboard- Nah, it's cool. Rambling makes for easier conversation. xD Ooh! I don't think I ever told you about Jacob. Well in my other group of friends, I have a guy-friend named Ben. And his older brother (2 years) is Jacob. xD So now there's a big group of us with ages ranging from 14-17. Lawlz. c: Meeeh. I'm a lot better than my other friends! 8D But I'm no good at helping them. Mostly because.. ugh, I don't know. It's hard to explain. Oh, curious? I just know that sometimes people hate when other people go on and on about their problems. P: But if you want to know, I don't mind sharing at all. It doesn't actually bug me too much to say, actually. o__O I don't know if that's a bad thing or nottt... it just feels like one distant dream or foggy memory. It makes too much sense to be a dream, but it has this unreal feel to so it can't be a memory. Weird, huh? But I know I didn't imagine it. There's proof everywhere. xD
Nah, long comments are cool with me. (: THOUGHH. Sometimes you DO have to draw the line somewhere. Hope this isn't too long for youuu~
Yuna (FF)

Report | 03/27/2009 1:28 pm

Yuna (FF)

:]Right. Thanks for understanding, Namine. I felt bad about not being able to talk to you... or a lot of my friends for that matter. But I didn't want to really be talking to you guys with so many things going on. It would've just stressed me out more, stressed all of you out and... there wasn't a lot of help you guys could've offered (that would've actually helped. ... no offence though!). It's just better that I wasn't a big burden or anything. Not that I expect you guys to think of me that way or anything. :B
That sounds like so much fun! How'd it all go over? Was she on her spring break for 2 weeks? I'm just having my spring break now. Better late than never, I guess. I wish a friend from out of town would come visit me. ^^ ... In the summer, though. It's much too slushy for us to do anything fun right now. And it randomly keeps snowing! I hate GC weather, honestly.
I've been ok, kinda! Things have been hectic since late December, when my group of friends joined Jacob's group of friends. So now we're a group of about 12, including me. There's just been a lot of stupid things going on within our group... things I wish I didn't get to experience till I was an adult. :/ Oh well. I get to see a doctor on April 20th, then I get referred to a councellor or pyschologist, depending. c: Which I'm happy about. I'm not really healthy right now. -_-||| But yes. I've been ok, for the most part (I think). I won't go into great details for anything, because... it's long. xD But if you want to know, ofcourse you can ask. I don't mind too much.
Yuna (FF)

Report | 03/25/2009 2:29 pm

Yuna (FF)

Hey Naminé! Sorry for not getting any good chances to talk to you. I feel bad about not being able to msg you and stuff, but now just really isn't a good time. xD I mean, NOW NOW is... but the then-now wasn't so great. Life has just been absolutely crazy, and I'm not out of the frying pan yet I'm afraid. -_-
In any case, how have you been?
Radiant Namine

Report | 03/09/2009 11:10 am

Radiant Namine

xDDD <3 Life on Gaia can be busy ;~;

o: Yesss! xD I commented your Rhyme account with my Shiki account xDD!

You should come! It's kind of empty there right this minute D:

I have a performance tomorrow! O: I'm scared..

Hope your doing well! <3