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Vaughneses Laire
1. Let’s start by introducing your character! Their name, birthday, ethnicity, and position in Temperance sounds like a good way to begin.

Vaughn: Vaughneses Laire. Born October 16th, year 7575. Ethnicity is a little unclear. My family are nomads, going from one place to another and only settling to have a family. The older members, the keeper of records and what have you, will tell you though that the very first Laires came from France. I would not call myself French though. I’d more inclined to call myself as Rowanian. I find myself able to relate to that country more. Current position, Guardian assigned to the Academy.

Oh good god… Lighten up Laire!

2. Why did you pick their name? Did it influence their character design at all?

Vaughn: I’m told that my mother wanted to name me as simply Vaughan which meant ‘Little’ as I was her little girl. The youngest in the family and all that. My father, as you can expect, heavily disagreed. He was insistent on keeping the trend as with my sister Johan (full name Johanness). Long story short, Vaughan became Vaughneses. It’s a mouthful of a name, I know. Please feel free to call me Vaughn or Laire. Whichever one you prefer. Speaking of last names, Laire or rather the original spelling was Layr, is actually the name of a very small border town in France. The place no longer exists though. It had been abandoned for some reason or another. It doesn’t concern me much though, I am more familiar with Rowan – my current country of residence – and Providence, my birth place and country of my childhood. My father and mother live there. And we have gotten off track… *sigh* My apologies. Going back, my ancestors took the name of the town they came from as their name so that they would remember their roots. I suppose. *shrugs*

You… You memorized that bit didn’t you? The part about the small border town in France.

Vaughn: *nods*

Oi…*shakes head* Anyway, as with Endy, I wanted a name that’s quite unique. I shall tell you a little secret… *moves in close to the camera* Vaughn’s name is actually borrowed from a friend of mine. Ehehe. I just changed the spelling. Finding a last name that fitted was little tricky though. I needed it to be short. Vaughneses is already a mouthful of a name so it has to be something simple. I very nearly named her Vaughneses Ricks. *snort* That’s just one ‘s’ to many though. I was trying out short last names when I stumbled into the word lair. Eureka moment right there. I’ll just add an e at the end and it will be perfect! *smirks* I had her name down before I went in search of a matching image then I smushed the two, name and image, together and built up Vaughn.

3. Your character got their position for a reason. Why did they choose their occupation (or why were they forced into it?)

Vaughn: Becoming a Guardian was next available option to me. I was not allowed to join the military because I have the spark. It was explained to me that I would have to enroll in Guardian Academy located in Temperance because I needed to learn how to control my abilities. My father did not think that Guardians could compare to the soldiers produced by the military. I intend to prove him wrong. *very determined face* He will accept me, acknowledge me one way or another. He will see that Guardians are soldiers, if a little different, and can be just as tough and highly respected.

Serious daddy issues… Need I say more? *shakes head*

4. That’s cool, I think. Okay, okay! So let’s talk about specialties. As the creator you gave your character some specialties and areas they struggle in. What are these areas and why did you pick them for your character?

Vaughn: My specialties lie in Operations and Spells. I worked hard to obtain my qualifications and took Gadgets as a sub-specialty. My father was a very strict disciplinarian and he believed that we, as his children, are required to know how to defend ourselves in armed or unarmed combat. I am proficient in hand-to-hand combat and have earned my mastery in Eskrima. It’s a traditional style of martial-arts that originated from the group of islands between Sybellia and Tempera. It is a weapon-based fighting style that uses sticks, bladed weapons and various improvised weapons. It was not easy to learn but my training translated well into Operations. I also chose operation because it does not usually required a pair. It is all skill. There is another reason though… I just seem to be particularly good at it. Like I’ve done certain things before. *frowns* Then there’s that time during my firearms qualification exam. I’ve stayed away from guns and the like preferring my sticks and knives but when I took my stance and fired my first shots… The instructor was surprised. She was not the only one. She looked rather cross with me and asked why I was in her class when it was clear that I can definitely use a gun. She deemed me more than qualified to carry a side arm and sent me on my way. It was really strange…

*fidgets* Ahaha… Well… Let’s just say you’re different. Not bad! Different but in a good way! I swear!

Vaughn: In any case, *waves her hand dismissively* let’s move on to spells.


Vaughn: I like spells. During my first year, I learned that it was customary that instructors performed demonstration to show just what their students could learn to do with the proper guidance and practice. I watched as the spells instructor weave and work the magic like it was an extension of herself. I was…fascinated. I told myself I wanted to be able to do that. To work spells properly, I understood that I needed to work with someone. It won’t activate on my own. I didn’t mind. I had fun. It was…freeing. There were really no rules and you can be incredibly creative on how to work the magic. I enjoyed working on my magic, focusing it and creating spells of my own. It probably only added to the fun that I have a great affinity for spells. *beams*

*whispering* Well, you do have that particular Adelgard blood in you… Mary, I wish I had been able to explore her character more, is actually a powerful spell caster. I’ve always thought of her as gifted when it came to spells even before her U-Mage conditioning. It was probably the reason why she turned out exactly how they wanted her to be. Compared to Kamiko though, well, Kamiko is on a level aaaalll on her own. I had this idea in my head that Mary is among the very few spell casters that could cast apocalyptic class spells. The backlash would be really bad though, perhaps even fatal, but still. Scary powerful… *Ahem!* I sort of have this image that because the spark laid dormant in Vaughn’s maternal line that when it manifested, all the skill that could have been for the other daughters got pooled into her. Thus making her a very good spell caster. *Grins* Her instructors must have thought it very cute when stoic and solemn little teenage Vaughn smiled and laughed while she worked on her spells. *shows the audience of fifteen year old Vaughn enjoying her spells work out!*

Vaughn: *blushes* Will you please stop showing the people pictures of teenage me!! *coughs, scratching her cheek nervously* Well… Uh… Where were we? Oh right. So that’s Operations and Spells. Choosing Gadgets as a sub-specialty is a huge surprise for me. While I’m not the biggest fan of machinery, there’s just something about DVs that when I look at them, I get this strong sense of nostalgia. I was able to push the feeling to the back of my mind when I had been a potential but as I got older, the feeling just grew stronger until I decided to follow the damn feeling!! And let me tell you… It was an exhilarating and eye-opening experience. Because of this, I have my certification as a pilot and I would like to believe that I’m a very good one.

DVs stir your ‘soul’ eh? *knowing grin*

5. Everyone should have a spell that’s specific to them! Talk about or make up a spell your character would use as their ‘signature’. Describe this kick-a** spell!

Vaughn: Hmm… A spell specific to me… Well, there is something. I wouldn’t normally cast this spell as it’s double-edged because it hurts me and hurts the shadows but it does have a silver lining. It can be easily classed under last-ditch effort spells that would either save you and your teammates or doom you all. *shakes head* It’s composed of three stages. The first is what I call the ‘Sacrifice’ stage. Here I would offer up as much health as I could spare to charge the spell. Stage two is called the ‘Heal. I release the charged energy and use it to power a healing spell. The damage healed is then added up and used to charge the magic one last time. The last the final stage is called, perhaps uncreatively but it gets the points across, ‘Attack.’ I would then hurl the formed icicles at the enemies and pray to Simone that it would be powerful enough to cause them to retreat for the moment. I’ve only used it a total of three times and it’s the same number of times I’ve landed myself in the hospital because of it. *looks at audience* Please don’t try this spell at home. It is very dangerous and not even the professionals would readily cast it.

Wow… I was not expecting that… It’s like a throwback to the U-mage backlash… Interesting…

6. Now, does your character specialize in offensive, defensive, strategic (traps, energy zappers, etc) or healing spells?

Vaughn. Hmm… I would fit in Offensive and Support. I’m a spell caster. I can cast spells that would hit enemies from afar. I can pick off individual enemies just as easily as I could target an entire area. Keep the pressure as the leaders would say. Once I’ve laid waste on the field a few spells, I could easily switch to my operations background and arm myself with a rifle and keep picking away at the enemies. Swapping spells with a rifle would also conserve my energy which in turn could be used to help the medics. Mind you, I’m no MMD but I can charge a healing spell faster than you can say Grim’s flaming pink shorts. It’s a temporary fix until the real medics can get a better look at you.

*snorts!* Grim’s flaming pink shorts…! *guffaws!*

7. On that vein, describe your character’s elemental alignment. (And it doesn’t have to be specific like air, earth, fire, etc. There are specific elements like “northern sky” or “ocean waters” or “swamp” if you’re inclined. Be creative. :3).

Vaughn: This is an interesting question… *turns to Aiden* I believe it is best if you were the one to provide an answer for this one.

Loosen up Vaughn… No need to speak all formal to me. You’ve been answering questions all and your own with little input from me. I’m sure you can answer this one too.

Vaughn: Well… I am embarrassed to admit that I wouldn’t know where to start. *pleading face*

Gah…! Fine. Fine. Put that face away! *faces the camera* Righty-o! Unlike excitable and all over the place Endy, Vaughn elemental alignment is actually none other than the very traditional element of earth. *pulls out her prepared cards* Let’s see… Ah! Here it is! *ahem!* Earth is patience and stability. It is enduring and strong. It is hard-work and methodical. It is serious and yet protective. Earth is intransigence and stubbornness at its very best. Push earth hard enough, grind away and scorch its stony face and it could easily crack and become as fragile as glass. One solid and strong blow can topple the earth and leave it in pieces. It could take years for the earth to rebuild its might but once it does, it is stronger and mightier than ever. Not all cracks will be healed though. Some will remain, small and minute as they are. They would be reminders of that moment of weakness and at the same time they are symbols of the earth's strength to overcome adversity. *switches to the last card* We must also never forget that although Earth is slow to anger once it unleashes its wrath upon you, you will not be the one remaining standing.

*embarrassed cough* Sorry about that. Went on a bit of a monologue there. *fidgets* Um… Anyway. It describes Vaughn very well, I think. I’ve considered other alignments but it just doesn’t work. This is what I picture Vaughn to be. You can count on her to be loyal and steadfast. She is a very willing pillar of support be it through pommeling your enemies with a barrage of spells or just someone to sit down with and appreciate the silent companionship. She will persist even when you turn her away. Despite all that though, there is still a vulnerability to her. Once you chip away enough of the protective layers (get it? Layer = Laire. They’re pronounced the same way? I’ll shut up now) you’d get to her softer, more easily damaged side. You’re reminded that even those that seem invincible are still human after all.

Gosh… I can’t help but see Jules in the many layers, no pun intended this time, that I constructed around Vaughn. She’s such a fractured soul that would take years and years and years to find some semblance of wholeness. TTnTT Even in her present incarnation the damage shows!! Why?!?! It’s always the nicest ones that suffer the most! *runs off crying*

Vaugh: *blinks* Erm… Next question please. *Uncomfortable fidget*

8. As their graduation present, your OC receives a BRAND NEW dual vehicle and it’s the DV of their dreams. Name it, categorize it (bike, car, tank, flyer, watercraft, aircraft, etc), and describe it.

Vaughn: Well… I graduated years ago but I did get a brand new DV.

*comes back and sits down in her corner quietly*

Vaughn: *coughs* My DV is classed under bike. It’s no speedster but it can still go fast, like most DVs can. It has a heavy duty frame and reinforced body which translate to it being able to withstand hits and keep going. It’s a larger and heavier bulk makes for very challenging sharp turns. Straight lanes however are a breeze. If I run out of ammo, I could easily turn the heavy bike into an effective battering ram. Additional blasters could be attached to the sides for more firepower. Its payload of micro-missiles could also be increased up to three times the normal number but its speed will considerably suffer for the additional weight. Its sidecar compatible too. So I could have a passenger or extra equipment loaded in it. I keep it well maintained and ready to go even if I don’t usually get to ride it.

9. AND the DV is in their favorite colors. What’s their favorite color?

Vaugh: Black. You can never go wrong with black. And silver.

10. Your character is in a jam! They summon their beast! What is the beast’s name? Write a detailed description of them and their personality. (If your character does not have a common summon, explain why that is).

Vaugh: Does it have to be a summon? Couldn’t I just blast the thing or wall or shoot whatever it is that’s causing the jam?

*sigh* Vaughn actually belongs to a small minority of spell casters that have trouble connecting with a summon despite her high aptitude in spells. This could be due to a couple of things. One: She’s related to someone, Mary, who couldn’t summon. She even has a penalty for it. Two: It is one of those things carried over from her previous life. Three: Vaughn never really bothered with it. She’s too focused on operation, too occupied with spells and then later, much too busy with Gargets. Should she try it though, she’s gonna need a whole lot of luck. As in a whole freakin’ lot! She should probably make sure that the planets are properly aligned. She has a four leaf clover in her pocket. She threw salt over her shoulder. Dumped a cup’s worth of uncooked rice by the door. All this and she had also better have made an offering to the god of luck.

11. By pure luck you’ve impressed Freya, who opens up her weapon room to your character. They are allowed to take ONE weapon from this room. What weapon did they choose and why?

Vaughn: Hmm… Lots of weapon to choose from… I’ll take… This one. *picks up a familiar looking sniper rifle*

*stares* How in the world did Sturm get in there?

Vaughn: Fighting close quarters is a last resort for me so before they get too close, I’d much prefer to thin their numbers first before I dive in for a some close encounter kills. The more I could snipe the better chance I have for taking down the remaining force.

12. Okay, so what is their greatest asset? Speed, strength, accuracy, high pain tolerance, strategy, evasion, reflexes, offensive, and/or defensive?

Vaughn: I would like to believe that I am at my greatest when attacking so offensive it is. I could never solely focus on attacking though. When the day comes that I do, then that’s the time that I truly would have nothing to lose…

13. Hacking skills are pretty useful but often overlooked. How does your OC feel about hacking?

Vaughn: Operations is one of my specialty. Hacking is one of my many skills… Oh look! Really old files! *tilts head* Project NODA?

Ack! I thought all information about it has been scrubbed from the database! *pushes Vaughn away from the terminal* *ahem* She’s not against it. She actually finds it very usual, sometimes even vital on certain missions.

14. Oh no! Your character is having a terrible nightmare! Describe it for us.

Vaughn: *is too horrified to describe it*

Failing to gain any form of acceptance from her father. *cough*daddyissues*cough* Vaughn has worked really hard to get where she is right now. Compared to her siblings, she’s actually the one with the better standing. Higher pay grade, higher number of missions participated in, higher (shadow) kill count, just to name a few. Getting her father to accept her is one of the few things that really drives Vaughn to excel. She’s going to overcome his prejudice, I assure you. I love her too much to leave her pinning for his acceptance. She’s gonna realize soon enough that she doesn’t really need it. She has already proven herself ten times over.

15. Let’s talk about some relationships. List characters your OC has some kind of relationship with, good or bad. Exclude romantic relations.

Vaughn: Uh… *fidgets*


16. Is your character in a partnership/have a girlfriend? If so, who are they and what is the nature of their relationship?

Vaughn: Well, she want away… *sulks* Don’t want to talk about it…

17. If your character wasn’t isn’t dating anyone, who do you think they’d be compatible with/attracted to and why?

Vaughn: *still sulking*

I really do not know…

18. Alright guys. In the most delicate and tasteful way you possible can, describe your characters sexual style. Are they vanilla sweet? Do whips and chains excite them? *Fans herself* Goodness!

Vaughn: *blushes* I’d prefer not to discuss that with you, thank you very much.

19. Does your character have any scars/tattoos/markings? Talk about their significance/meaning and how they got them.

Vaughn: *shows left ear with nick at the top* I was a little careless. I didn’t realize a shadow had launched itself at me. I wouldn’t be talking to you today if one of my squad mates hadn’t pushed me out of the way. A clipped ear is much better than a sliced off head.

20. Every character needs to wear clothes (even if they don’t want to!) why don’t you describe their style and explain why they dress the way they do!

Vaughn: While on duty, I am normally seen wearing my guardian uniform. Not that ceremonial one of course. The work uniform one. When I’m not on duty tend to go for the more casual look. I’m quite attached to my guardian uniform but it’s nice to dress more comfortably when I’m not patrolling or standing guard. I also have a tendency to pick clothes that fall under the label of cool colors. I have the obligatory red shirt and I do have something pink somewhere but I prefer not to where them unless I absolutely have to.

21. Does your OC have any quirky skills unrelated to Temperance? (Balancing spoons on their nose, juggling, tap dancing, etc)

Vaughn: *embarrassed fiddling with thumbs* Erm… Well… I can bake and know a bit of ballroom dancing.

22. It’s a perfect day outside so they decide to take a stroll. What time of year is it and what are the conditions of outdoors?

Vaughn: Oh. I don’t exactly stroll… It’s more like I walk around looking for a good spot and once I find a comfortable place I much prefer to just sit down and watch the world around me. Hmm… The perfect day for me would be a chilly winter morning. A fresh layer of snow would covering nearly everything and I would be up on the roof, sitting on the ledge and waiting for the sun to peek from the horizon. I would let the sun’s still gentle rays warm my cold nose and chilled cheeks and stay there while everyone else began waking up. I would be in a very good mood for the rest of the day. *happy smile*

23. If your character could be defined as a flower, what kind of flower would they be and why?

Vaughn: Me, as a flower? I don’t think I would make a very good flower. *frowns*

That’s what you think! *pulls out another set of cue cards!* You, my dear Vaughneses…

Vaughn: *cringes*

Would make a very pretty violet. *grins* Blue violets to be exact.

Vaughn: What? *blinks*

*ahem* Violets, in general, symbolize ‘Faithfulness’ and Blue Violets convey the meaning of ‘I’ll always be true’ and they signify constancy. Describes you pretty well, if I do say so myself. *smug grin*

24. Is your character even remotely religious? What deity or god/dess do they serve? (Don’t know any? Make one up~)

Vaughn: My family don’t particularly favor any deity but ever since become a spark, I have made tributes to the goddess Simone. I’ve also gone to the temple of Jasmine and Esmeralda to give thanks for the gift I was given and the opportunity it presented. I have prayed to Briseis to keep the nightmares at bay. *deep breath* I have also sent prayers to the Goddesses of life and death for the safekeeping of the souls of guardians who gave their lives in line of duty…

25. Let’s talk about your family for a bit! Can you give us a list of immediate or close family members and a description of your relationship with them?

Vaughn: Uh… This is gonna be a bit long… My immediate family members are as follows: My father, Col. Augustus Laire (retd). Jackilynn Laire would be my mother. I have 3 older brothers, arranged from oldest to youngest: Caius, Gallus and last but not least Rufus. I have one older sister, Johanness. We just call her Johan for short. Starting with my father… He and I have a rather complex relationship. It could be described as a love-hate bond. He found it very…insulting, to say the least, that he would have a child that’s not normal. My father has a very twisted view of guardians. He doesn’t quite believe that we’re human. I think the feats of strength, speed and intellect guardians are able to perform clashes with his perfect image of ‘the military’. Whenever I get some time off and visit my parents, my father tends to ignore me. He might as well have decided in his mind that he only has four children… He’s really being difficult and I must admit that I am starting to lose my patience with him. *sigh* I do wish it wouldn’t come to blows. If he could just acknowledge the fact that I’m his daughter and a full-fledged guardian, I can make peace with that…
Jackie: Don’t mind your father dear… I am very proud of you. *kisses Vaughn’s cheek*
Vaughn: Thank you mother. *tries to smile* Speaking of my mother, she and I are in good terms with each other. She supports me and checks up on me regularly. Now that I’m back in the city, I can return her messages and calls much more promptly. My mother tends to fuss on me whenever I visit. I keep telling her that I’m no longer five but she insists on the mother. I’ll always be her little baby girl, she’d say. *blushes* I wish she’d stop it though… I’m already 25 for Simone’s sake but I suppose mothers will always be mothers.
*whispers* She actually enjoys it.
Vaughn: *pushes Aiden off the stage* Anyway, next we have my brothers. They’re my protectors from when I was little up until now. They look out for Johan and me. We get along well enough. Then there’s Johan. She’s my best friend. My confidant. She knows be better than I know myself. I love my sister very much.
Johan: Aww… I love you too Vaughn. *hugs her sister* You’re due for a visit. My little girl’s been asking to see her aunty. She’s even declared her uncles are very boring.
Vaughn: *chuckles* Tell her I’ll be visiting soon. *faces the audience* Yes, I have a niece. Her name’s Isis and she just turned three. She’s my little darling. *beams*

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