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Ocea 777's Journal
I like writing poetry in mine, if you wish You can look but beware you might have your heart stolen... or you might cry. Fore warning now.
really messed up.
this turned out to be a really messed up thing two days ago.. I'm concerned about a certain girl that just dumped me the next morning. What do I do? I still have feelings for her and I don't know how to tell her that. Though she wants nothing to do with emotions she had said yes to going out with me. But it turned out that she wanted nothing to do with me. What do I do. We broke up when her mother told me that her daughter, my ex, said that I was 18 and that my friends called her a b***h.. and that I of all people wanted a physical relationship. Personally I didn't want a physical relationship. I wanted one that would be more of a spiritual one with her one that she could confide in. Problem... She's not trusting of people, she doesn't want a relationship. She's proved that with me. I felt disconnected to her when I was with her. What do I do. She has some serious problems with her father. And I don't blame her one bit for wanting to kill him. Hell I'd do it for her. So she wouldn't have to suffer the consequences. But that is just me. I know what it's like to live in an abusive home. Hell I was in one for 18 to 19 years. And yet, I don't know how to help her.

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commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 01:11am
Hello everyone. My name is Kimbra and I am the b***h who kicked out this little whiner of a human being. What he fails to remember is being called names does nada to me. And how he continues to blame me and Phil for all of his problems is beyond me. This child, refuses to ever take responsibility for his own misdeeds. Granted, I probably could have handled him a little better but I was just so exhausted because of him and how he didn't do a damn thing around the apartment without me yelling at him like a mother would a child. Do you know he even cried? Several times. Because I was yelling at him because he wouldn't get off his lazy a** to do a damn thing. Just like a child. I gave him a place to live and he repays me by slandering me online. Nice. I gave him several chances to change his ways. I even tried to meet him halfway but still he did nothing. I got him a job which he F'd up because
1. He fell asleep while on the phones
2. He didn't pay attention in training classes
3. He listened to his CD player while on the phones
4. And he called the leaison(sp) for the Louisiana branch of Cox Communications a b***h because she caught him on this sight while he was on the phones, which is strictly against the rules of the work place which I let him know ahead of time.

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 01:13am
Now, I am not going to use Ocea's real name as that is a low dirty and down right evil thing to do, but believe me when I say I really want to. I know I could have and should have handled things better with Ocea but he really was exhausting. Every night, after I'd have to yell at him when he wouldn't listen to reasonable conversing, I'd crawl into bed and cry because I couldn't deal with him anymore. I bet you didn't know that did you Ocea? I really wanted to be friends with you. I know you don't believe me but I did. I tried. For one month I tried but you just wouldn't be an adult. I'm one year younger than you. So how is it I'm the adult of us two? On my 20th Birthday last year, I had to go out and run errands, getting party supplies and picking up friends. Ocea didn't have training that day since it was a Sunday. Everyday for half a week I asked him to do 2 simple things for me on my birthday and that was it. All I wanted him to do was vaccum the apartment and his room (See, I wanted him to feel comfortable around my friends so I thought having them see his room would be a good way to start. Let him get to know them in his own space.) and then swiffer the kitchen floor and the bathroom floor. That's it. That's all I wanted him to do on my birthday. When I woke up, he was still asleep. So I left several notes around the place. One on the bathroom mirror, two on the kitchen cupboards, one on the kitchen counter, one above the kitchen sink, one on the freezer and one on the fridge. I even moved the vaccum and swiffer in front of the fridge and placed "Please Vaccum the apartment and your room today. Thank you." and "Please swiffer the kitchen and bathroom today. Thank you." notes on the handles of both the vaccum and swiffer. When I get home 3 hours later, the floor isn't vaccumed and the kitchen and bathroom aren't swiffered. Instead, the vaccum and swiffer are moved out of the way of the fridge but otherwise left untouched. So, I had to be the one to vaccum and swiffer and I was still doing so when guests started arriving. Not a fun birthday to say the least.

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commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 01:20am
Then, he eavesdropped on my private phone call with a friend up in Canada. This friend, to say the least, was a love interest of mine even though he had a girlfriend. His girlfriend, was jealous and selfish and he really wanted to break up with her but he didn't know how so we'd talk for hours on end about us, me giving him advice. Well, the next day at work, Phil, my ex-boyfriend, and my friend Eric came to me and said quietly that Ocea was talking about my private phone call with said love interest to people at work. My door was closed and blocked and the lights were off. The walls in this apartment are paper thin. When I confronted Ocea about this, he agreed and said it was a childish thing to do and that he was very sorry about it. He really wanted to be my friend and I told him that I would be his friend again only if he proved to me that he was growing up. I have still yet to see any such proof.

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 01:23am
Further more, Phil offered Ocea a place to stay so that I could relax and not be stressed at work and at home. Ocea gladly went with Phil, saying that he was sorry he caused me so much trouble. He did so, because he cared for me at one point. Phil had told Ocea that if he cared for me in any way at all, that he would do me this favor of leaving the apartment and sign over his part of the lease to a friend who needed a place to live. Ocea did so gladly. One night. Ocea lasted one night. Ocea became ungodly drunk with Phil's room mates and bragged about having a 14 year old girlfriend up in Montana then he went up to the room he was going to share with Phil and vommitted on Phil's clothes. To top it off, he tried to clean up his mess with more of Phil's clothes. One of the Landlord's of the place has a 14 year old daughter and so kicked Ocea out because of his bragging. Him vommitting on his "friends" clothes was just the icing on the cake. Phil had to work that night so he wasn't there.

I suppose, for all those things I did and tried to do to be friends with Ocea really makes me a b***h. I've learned my lesson. I won't ever be friends with strangers again nor will I try to help anyone ever again. I don't want to be considered a b***h again.

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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 07:37am
Actually this had nothing to do with my journal.. and what she says is her side of the story. I'll leave it at that. It's funny how I managed to do all those things and yet, I seem to have been living quite well since I moved away from.. well.. you know her name now. Yes, Kimmbra.. you tried for all of two.. days? I did do my duties.. but still you didn't change your attitude. And your birthday, yeah.. that was your fault of telling your friends "Oh, and this is Kam." That was the line I heard straight from her mouth.. What can I say.. hmm? Now she's trying to say alot more on something about me that is more than an untruth, it's a down right lie. Saying I vommited on Phil's clothing? Hell no. I vommitted on MY clothing that they STOLE from me.. That's right everyone they stole my clothing. And about her crying herself to sleep? I find that hard to believe Kimmbra, for even you yourself told me you are an emotionless person. Now I'm not going to give any accounts for this a pointless battle that I wish to put behind me. And Kimbra.. it you really cared, you'd do me one BIG BIG favor.. Leave me out of your god damn problems for all your bullshit is just that, bullshit. Tell Phil, to leave me alone, and I want you to leave me alone. Thank you. To my friends, disreguard her bullshit. SHe likes to skew it to where she was the victim. It's funny that now that I've gotten past this, and she hasn't? this was how long ago, Kimbra? hmm? about 8 months ago. So leave me the ******** alone. Just like I'm doing to you. I'm happy now have my own place and you know what? I grew the ******** up. Unlike you. I have a girlfriend that treated me better than you did, which by the way, you even said yourself that you are "Karma's Little b***h." And your weight problem says enough of how much you do around your own apartment. After we both get off work, guess what happens.. She watches Anime all the time until she falls asleep. Wakes up the next morning just to get ready to leave. Hell she even said that she would drive me to work each day. That it would be no problem. Two days after training starts you know what I had to do? Walk my happy a** to work. Oh oh.. While she was still in bed! Funny how that works. The other thing is, she lies, gets away with it. because all she wants to do is pull up some s**t that isn't even true. Funny how that works. I admit, I cried myself to sleep more than one occasion, and I'll tell you why, because couldn't handle having a boyfriend. And you know what? I was willing to quit smoking for this girl.. what happened you ask? Stress of her bitching at me about everything, and leaving her to do nothing more than watch T.V. Watching her movies. Watching her s**t. Funny how that is.. It's too bad.. Kimbra.. really. Oh and by the way, of all the things I'm not afraid. My name is Kamron Bryon Wolf. That's right. ANd I am glad I lived with her.. you know why? I'll tell you why. It made me a stronger person altogether. So I thank you Kimbra. I thank you very much for being the way you are. I at least have someone I can call my own now. Someone who won't hurt me anymore. I thank you for showing me that I cannot completely trust people. I thank you. And you know what? I'm christian, that's right. I'm christian and I believe in my Faith unlike you. Where what you do is hide behind it. And say "Yeah, I'm wiccan, so what. It gives me licence to do what I want when I want. And ******** all others who defy me." Anyways I'm done ranting. Thank you for your comments ^-^

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 24, 2007 @ 07:23pm
Kamron's right everyone. There are always two sides to a story. But, it's funny, when I remember actually putting up with him for a month. He came down here, August 1st and then left August 28th. But it is true, that I only attempted to be a girlfriend to him for only 2 days. That is true. But, I find it funny, that he says I'm not over this, when right after he said he was, he goes into a long rant. I am over this, I only want to tell everyone the truth. If you haven't noticed Kam, I'm not angry, just annoyed. Because you keep slandering me and the truth. Why do you always do this? You think I do this because I want to? I'd more than LOVE to leave this alone, but, even though you annoy me to death, I cannot deny that you were a substantial part of my life...as much as I'd like too though. But, I can't change the past, and I can't force you to do anything, but I at least hoped you were a decent enough person, to admist some of your faults if not all. And further more, everytime I'd get home after work, I wouldn't just sit around and watch anime until I fall asleep. Because, the tv isn't in my room and we didn't have a couch for me to sleep on. And, I only slept in the living maybe a total of 3 times that month, but only after attempting to sleep in my own room but it became very hot, so I moved into the living room. And yes, everyone, I am fat as Kamron so wonderfully stated. I am happy for you Kamron. Truly I am. I am glad that you said you've grown up, and I am very happy that you have found someone to love you whereas I could not, though I tried. Even if for only 2 days, I did try. ^^ I'm glad you've also found your own place. I really am happy for you and unbelievable as that may seem. And, I about the clothing, I was only relaying what Phil had told me. I wasn't actually there and so I'm sorry for that everyone. And, honestly Kamron, Phil is spending life in prison, because he apparently had sexually molested Diana's little 14 year old sister after I broke up with him. And, according to Adam, there are several many other counts of child molestation against him to. So, I'm done everyone. I'm tired of all this slandering back and forth. Believe what you want or don't believe what you don't, either way, I'm done... P.S. Kamron, when exactly did I tell you I was an emotionless person? I don't remember ever saying that and we both know how wonderful my memory is. If anything, I said I hadn't cried in several months which made me FEEL like I had no real emotion. I never once said that I was an emotionless person. Otherwise, how could I have ever expressed my anger or annoyance? I wonder...Furthermore, we had different schedules. I took to training every single morning, gave you money for the bus and even asked around the office to see if someone could give you a ride after your training class got out, since your training ended at 430pm and my shift ended at 1200am and started at 330pm...So, how can you blame me for you walking home? P.S.S. Also, I am a blunt person. A very blunt person, but I am also a polite blunt person. For example, Kamron's birthday, when he dragged my friend George with him and my upstairs neighbors to a liquor store, and I found out about it, I talked to him calmly, but sternly. I said, and I quote, ((And I quote because, Ta Da! Kamron, I keep a daily journal. Have for years. I recorded all of the stuff you did and said and didn't do and all the stuff I said and did and didn't do. Yes people, as I have already said, I am partial to blame for this disturbance in my life and I will live with it. But, at least I am able to admit my faults...)) "Kamron, I understand it's your birthday and honestly, I wish I could have spent it with you. But you had no right, to drag my best friend, my sister, with you to the liquor store. Further more, she told me that you smoked. I can forgive the drinking, but I cannot the smoking. You know why. Because I am asthmatic. I'll tell you this now Kamron, I'm all for giving people second, third, even fourth chances, because I see the big picture not just a little dot, a flaw in them. But Kamron, what you did tonight, with my friend and with the smoking, and, Kamron, 4 bottles of alcohol? Seriously? No. I can't fogive this. This a strike against you Kamron. I'm sorry and I know this sounds awful, but you know me, I tell it how it is but I'm also considerate of it too. Two more Kamron. Two more and, I'm sorry, but then I'm going to have to ask you to leave or otherwise I will report you to the landlord and have you removed from the lease. I'm sorry Kamron. I truly am. But, what you did tonight, that's taking my consideration too far." See? I'm blunt, honest but polite. So, me saying, quote "Yeah, I'm wiccan, so what. It gives me licence to do what I want when I want. And ******** all others who defy me." end quote, isn't fare from the truth but still not true in the slightest. All the same, I'm glad I helped you out in some way in helping you realize that you cannot trust everyone and that you are now stronger because of what you believe to be true inside your own mind. -^_^- Kudos to you Kamron. -^_^- Okay, now, I am done. No more comments from me Kamron. As a final act of what I had hoped you would see as truth, I will grant you your demand and leave you the ******** alone.

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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 06:21am
Well Kimbra... I am sorry too.. for two reasons. One, I'm sorry for ruining your life.
((THough, I did do what you told me to do, though, it never was good enough for you.))

And second isn't really a reason, but more of a question. How is it, me Dragging the neighbors upstairs to go to the liquor store, when they were the ones who invited me, so I could have a birthday gift. And yes I will admit on my birthday, I was smoking, yes, that much is true. As for your sister, I asked if she'd like to accompany us as we went. I was bored, and called her, and she said she'd come over. No big deal. But I went up to the neighbor's to say hello. And told them I was having a birthday party as soon as you got back. But as usual, your friends flaked out, aside from your sister. which was cool. You're other friends, by the way, were cruel, mean, and would not talk to me. After meeting a few of your friends, I realized one thing. I did not fit in. And mainly the only reason why I drank on my birthday was because it was my 21st birthday. And did you realize that most of the alcoholic drinks were, slim to none other than that Smirnoff. Yes, everyone, I had four bottles. One was a smirnoff, the other was a strawberri dacori mix. another was Black berry wine, and and another wine. Not to mention, they were below, 5.% alcohol. Asside from the Smirnoff which was 7.o% alcohol. Damn.. I do drink alot. Oh wait, you dumped out all but three of them. The smirnoff was almost halfway gone when I dumped the rest of it out. Anyways, You said yourself when we were moving your stuff.. which by the way everyone, I only had two bags to my name when comming down there. I helped her move all her stuff into the apartment, I helped decorate with her, I helped with food. And Gas. Did you know that when I left I was penniless? It's true. I was penniless. All my money went straight to her. I'm sorry I was such a jerk, in ways that aren't Imaginable.

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